Entertainment: Arnold Schwarzenegger will not be back for Celebrity Apprentice

If Celebrity Apprentice is picked up by NBC for another cycle, they will be doing it with a new host. It was announced on Friday that Arnold Schwarzenegger will not be returning to the show that he took over after NBC cut ties with former host and the current president, Donald Trump.


This happened after Trump made comments about one of the sister networks of NBC and they didn’t want anything to do with Trump. There were rumors of George Lopez taking the show over, but those fell through. Ultimately, the decision was for Arnold to become the host of the show. However, while Trump was no longer hosting the show, he ended up staying on as one of the producers on the show. The show was rebooted as it was shot entirely in Los Angeles, as oppose to New York City when Donald Trump hosted it. When the show was brought back in January, it had 4.9 million viewers on the first episode.

However, once the ratings for the show started to dip big time, it would give Trump a moment to take a shot at his show. In February at his first National Prayer service as the President, Trump told the people there to pray for Arnold. This would lead to jabs being taken by Arnold and Donald as they would end up going back and forth.

I personally don’t want them to bring the show back as the quality gone downhill over the last few years. They have scooped the bottom of the barrel for participants as they have gotten people to come on the show who haven’t had a career in quite a long time. It should be noted that the current host of American Ninja Warrior, Matt Iseman, would end up winning the Celebrity Apprentice this year. It should also be noted that with Arnold departing makes it less than likely that the show will be brought back for another cycle.