Impact Wrestling: The new era began like the old one ended

If you happened to miss Impact Wrestling last night, you were lucky. Throughout the week, it was being built as the new era of Impact Wrestling. If anything, it was incredibly cringe worthy and a ton of confusion. It will be interesting to see if they can actually succeed or once again be a laughing stock. It was from the announcers to the wrestlers to some segments.


Right off the back, Josh Mathews is one of the worst announcers in wrestling. It was announced last night that they will now be having a three man booth with Jeremy Borash will now be with The Pope and Josh Mathews. Over the last few months, they have had Josh Mathews be the heel announcer and last night showed how bad he truly is as an announcer. This reminds me when Michael Cole became the heel announcer right before Wrestlemania 27. There were a few good moments from in-ring action on the show last night, however, it became overshadowed by Borash and Mathews bickering. It became annoying and if they continue with this three man team much longer, it will not help them at all.

Another point from last night’s was when Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero were written off of TV. If you are not aware as to why they were written off of TV, there contracts expired a few weeks ago and both sides were unable to come to a new agreement. Since the Hardys weren’t in the Impact Zone, the segment was done in Cameron, North Carolina. They were training with a kangaroo named Smokin Joe Frasier. Then they were told that it was time to transport to their next spot in their expedition for gold. However, Decay shows up back in the Impact Zone with the titles. There was no explanation done with the Hardys.

Also, we saw the surprise debut of Alberto El Patron. He would interrupt the Impact Champion, Bobby Lashley, who was in the ring with Bruce Pritchard who was saying how he defeated every male wrestler on the roster. Alberto El Patron would end up coming out and saying that you didn’t beat me. Somehow, this lead to a title match later on the show. Alberto would end up winning the belt by using the belt brought in by Bobby Lashley.

There were a few OK moments from Impact Wrestling, but if you had other plans, you did not need to cancel them. I truly hope going further, they fix the announcing table issues and please stop trashing on the previous owners. We are all very aware that Dixie Carter and company did not do well while she was there. I find one thing funny, they were so quick in bringing in new ownership and new wrestlers, could they have hired new writers?

What did you think of Impact Wrestling, let us know in the comments below and you can watch the cringe worthy show on POP TV every Thursday night at 8pm.