Acapulco: Is Heartbreak On The Horizon For Maximo

Acapulco's Maximo, Julia, and Chad

The staple of any good sitcom is the love interest angle. More often than not it starts off with the “will they/won’t they” and eventually leads us to the happily ever after. For Apple TV+’s Acapulco, the lead character Maximo Garllardo is currently in phase 1 with his co-worker Julia. Much like the Andy and Aprils or Jim and Pams, Julia is already in a relationship with Chad. While fans may hopeful for the eventual connection these two share, the writing is on the wall for an eventual heartbreak.

So far, in the early stages of season 2, we’ve seen just how attached Maximo can get to the women he’s attracted to. There was Julia. After realizing it was out of reach, there was a quick fling with Becca that ended as quickly as it began. Now in season two, we’re introduced to his newest interest, Isabel. While there is instant chemistry between the two, there’s a good chance it won’t last that long.

*If you’re not caught up, take a break. Come back and read later. Potential spoilers ahead*

More Entertainment: Acapulco Season 1 Recap – Is Maximo Sabotaging His Success?

While you’re rooting for his success, his future exposes the secrets of his past. While sitting around talking to his nephew, Hugo telling the story of Las Colinas absent from the picture is the girl. The adult version of Maximo is telling stories about people that his nephew hasn’t met. We have a pretty good idea how the story ends, for now. Will his relationship with Isabel push Julia away or bring her closer? Will their friendship sour the growing relationship between Maximo and Isabel?

What happens between then and now to remove these people from his life. He’s already told Hugo that there will be people that won’t be happy to see him when he attends Don Pablo’s funeral. Now there’s already been some foreshadowing as to why when Maximo has to come up with money to pay his mother’s doctor bills, but just how many relationships did he sacrifice along the way?

While it doesn’t have the fanfare as some of the other shows on Apple TV+, Acapulco is just as strong as any of their other offerings. So far, in season two it might be their most underrated show.