Acapulco: Who Is Maximo Avoiding?

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Season two of Acapulco takes us deeper into Maximo’s rise to fame and fortune but also takes us deeper into his regrets on his rise. This entire season has laid the groundwork for his return to Acapulco but there’s someone along the way he’s avoiding meeting up with, but who?

*spoilers ahead*


The most obvious choice is Julia. Season two took us further from their connection as Maximo is dating Isabel and Julia is still very much in love with Chad. But that was before she was given the braclet Maximo bought for her. It was before she found out it was from him. She’s been struggling with her connection to Maximo ever since their kiss on the balcony. It would make the most sense if there was some unresolved feelings that he would be avoiding her the most. He would, even more so, if there was a falling out between the two.

More Entertainment: Acapulco – Is Maximo Sabotaging His Success


Less likely, is Isabel. While they’re very connected in season two, there’s a very good chance Maximo falls out of favor with her if he’s ever honest about Julia. Isabel invited him in, introduced him to her family, and gave him a job when he was at his lowest. You have to assume that it would absolutely break her heart if she found out that he wasn’t as invested. How will she react to the news? She could be devasted and sad as most people after a breakup. However, Isabel seems more of the independent type who bounces back quickly. She could lash out in anger at him.  She could also take it very well given how close she is with her family. No matter how she reacts, every one of them ends with severed ties between the two.


This one might be the least obvious but has to be considered. When it comes to all the people he let down, we can’t leave her off the list. Let’s not forget that Maximo was Diane’s right hand man at one point, trusting only Don Pablo more. After realizing he was the one who put the resort at risk, it had to shatter her trust in him. It would be next to impossible to face someone who took you under their wing and you let them down. It would be especially hard to face her at the funeral of the man who put you in her path leading up to your success. Everything Maximo became was in direct connection to Don Pablo’s good word. It would also be the perfect time to get closure on their relationship and how far he has come.