Acapulco: Why Did Chad Go Back To LA?

Chad & Julia on Acapulco on Apple TV+

Given the nature of most television shows, it was only a matter of time before Julia and Chad broke up on Acapulco. Every good show starts with a love interest that’s in a semi-serious relationship, only for it to be broken up a few seasons in for the loveable fan favorite. Jim and Pam (The Office), Andy and April (Parks & Recreation), and Peralta and Santiago (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) all started in pretty committed relationships only to have them end a few seasons in. So when Julia caught the eye of Maximo Gallardo early on, the inevitable wasn’t too far down the road.

The only problem is, Chad isn’t a bad guy. In instances like Pam on The Office she leaves her current relationship because it turns out Roy is a bit of a toolbox. Andy and Ann were polar opposites and were also in what seemed like a one-sided relationship. However, with Chad and Julia it was a two way street. The reason for their breakup was each wanted to take a step forward with the next phase of their life. If she gives up on Chad because he leaves to find himself, it might skew the audiences perception of her. There has to be a wedge driven between the two to make viewers see she made the right choice.

More Acapulco: Season 2 Recap – Maximo’s Big Reveal

What if Chad left for a reason other than to find himself? If we go back to season 2, Diane intentionally drives a wedge between he and Julia feeling the two aren’t right together. Doing all that she could to keep the two apart, she eventually invites Chad’s ex-girlfriend down to Las Colinas. An episode or two later, he decides he needs to go back to LA in hopes of taking the next step in his life? That’s no coincidence. What if that’s the wedge they intend to introduce in season 3. If Chad left Acapulco to follow his old flame back to LA, Julia and Maximo are off the hook. Fans can forgive her for leaving the nice guy Chad to follow her heart with Maximo.

Even if they want to maintain his “nice guy” image the opportunity is still there. In a season that highlighted his mother as the puppeteer of most of his life decisions, it wouldn’t be too hard to paint Diane as the bad guy. Had she never invited Kelly down to Las Colinas, Chad may have never questioned his future with Julia. Maybe the old spark was back and now he has to see where his heart takes him as well. Julia gets to see where her relationship with Maximo will go, Chad follows his heart as well, and Diane looks like the controlling mother/boss she’s always been.