After the Oscars, Is It Time To Change Award Shows?

Oscars Academy award

The Oscars hit an all-time low a few short days ago. Not only from a viewership standpoint but from the show’s overall appeal. Watching the awards ceremony shows just how dated most awards shows are. It’s all wash rinse repeat every award season. They get almost every celebrity they can think of out to these award shows, dress them up, hand out awards, then someone gives a political speech and they go home.

The problem with these types of events is that there’s no real connection to the audience. Sure, getting a good host up on stage to tell a few funny jokes, get celebrity presenters handing out their trophy, and maybe some bands play but the 3-4 hour event starting at 8 at night just isn’t cutting it anymore.

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The pre-show is more informative than the whole entire Oscars together. You hear all about the actors, the movies, and the nominees in general. Why do we have to sit through hours of presentations and no one from these award shows bothers to tell you how they came to (actor A) beating out (actor B) for Best Actor.

While we’re on the subject of the unknown, does anyone know what qualifies a movie as Best Picture? If they go by box office numbers, then surely one of the Marvel or Disney box office smashes should have won by now? It’s not the popular vote. Has anyone been sitting home watching the Oscars and ever agreed that a movie universally should have won? How many times have you had a conversation with friends about how a different movie should have won?

That’s the problem with award shows, they never make sense. Too many of these shows revolve around elitists who seem to constantly reward those on the top of the mountain when clearly a better-suited alternative should have won. The Oscars these days seem like Hollywood’s big wigs get together and give awards out to their closest friends or previous winners while actors who had performances of their lives get passed up.

Is it time to end the Oscars or just rethink the way we present them? Why not have someone stand up and talk to the actors the same way they do after a sporting event? Not like their acceptance speech. Most people tune those out these days to ignore the politics. Take time to have a mic so these people can sell the audiences who haven’t seen their movie on why they should or what it means to them.

One thing is for sure, the Oscars as well as the rest of the award shows are extremely dated and in need of new ideas.