All American: Homecoming: I Guess There Will Be No More Crossovers?

All American

Photo: Bill Inoshita/The CW -- ©

What do you do when a spinoff becomes its own entity? This is what the writers of All American and All American: Homecoming must be dealing with as they head into Season 2. With the breakup of Simone and Jordan, is there really any reason why there should be another crossover episode? The catalyst of the two shows has always been the relationship between the two. But with them going their separate ways, will we ever see them share a screen together again?

While Simone did forge friendships with the women on All American, it was Jordan who was the glue to them all. Without the foundation of Jordan and Simone, no one in Los Angeles or Beverly Hills has any real reason to make it to Atlanta.

With All American being a football show and Homecoming deciding to focus on Tennis and Baseball, we can leave a sports rivalry out of the equation. So, where does that leave us? To be honest, it gives us a fresh start. The Simone and Jordan storyline was always on rocky ground from the very beginning. And when it was announced that Simone would get her own show, it was just a matter of time before both shows had to go their separate ways.

In Season 2, there might be a few mentions of past characters but that’s where it should stop. Simone is moving on and Jordan is trying to do the same and now the writers can explore other avenues with those characters. But for All American: Homecoming, the focus needs to be on just Simone and not what she left behind in California.

With both shows finishing their last season after their college homecoming games, there is a chance that Simone may return back to California for Christmas break. At that time, it’s a possibility that she will run into Jordan who now may be involved with Layla. It may spark a bit of tension between the three friends but is that enough to keep the crossovers going?

All American: Homecoming has its share of issues it must deal with. All American has moved on from the Simone and Jordan storyline and it’s time for the writers of Homecoming to do the same.