All American Universe: Which Relationships Are Destined To Succeed Or Fail?

All American

If you can count on one thing for Teen Dramas to bring to the screen and off the screen discussion, that would be relationships. From Beverly hills 90210 to One Tree Hill, romance has always been at the forefront when discussing these teen shows. a new batch has arrived in what one would label as the All-American Universe with All American and All American: Homecoming. But with the hope of relationships going the distance, there is also a chance that some won’t make it.

Spencer and Olivia (Succeed)

Spencer and Olivia are the Dwayne and Whitley of the All-American Universe as far as couples go. While they started off more on a friendship level, they have grown to be one of the favorites on All American. But that’s not to say they’re exempt from relationship drama. Something is off between the two as they both strive for their goals and now their relationship is being put to the test, yet again. But this one one that I believe will go the distance.

Damon and Thea (Fail)

Are Thea and Damon together on All American: Homecoming? Yes. After the chemistry between Damon and Simone ran its course by the end of the first season, Thea stepped up to the plate and snagged the baseball star. The truth is, they look good together but there is trouble brewing. Simone still has feelings for Damon and with Thea now blaming Simone for her shoulder issues, Damon may be put in a tough spot between the two women. They may not make it by the middle of Season 2.

Jordan and Layla (Succeed)

Something between these two had to happen. Even before Simone entered the picture, it always appeared as if Jodan and Layla were heading in that romantic direction. They’ve been friends since kids and they know each other better than any two people on the show. However, there is still baggage that must be unpacked. Layla is dealing with trust issues and Jordan is still reeling from the divorce and breakup with Simone. Can they find the proper balance to make this go the distance? I believe they can go the distance with work.

Coop and Patience (Fail)

If you want a poster relationship for ups and downs, then Coop and Patience’s is that one. What haven’t they been through together? They’ve defended one another, fought one another, let each other go, and still somehow, always find their way back to one another. During the Season 4 finale, Coop told Patience it was better if they didn’t rekindle this. The love will always be there but they have outgrown one another.

Grace and Carter (Succeed)

Grace was ready for this. After losing Corey, Grace put everything into raising her two boys. The relationship with Carter was a bonus and as we witnessed at the end of Season 4, it was a great blessing as Carter proposed and Grace accepted. The better part of that was the acceptance by Spencer and Dillion. This is the couple no one talks about but we’re all rooting for. Grace and Carter both deserve a win.

Amara and Marcus (Fail)

The lovers from another era. That’s what we can call Marcus and Amara. There was always this weird vibe between the two early on but it was also a brick wall there keeping the viewers from learning too much. Now, with Marcus fighting his demons and Amara pegged as the new Dean, will this former couple find their way back together this season? This should be a good storyline for much of Season 2. However, too much will be happening in their personal lives for a relationship to work.

Cam and Keisha (Succeed)

What makes these two special is how they push each other. Cam was all about football until Keisha made him fight for his dream to sing. Keisha was focused on being a doctor until Cam pushed her to dance. And yet, for them, it was all about the causal hookup. This is a couple that’s left behind as the focus is on the love triangle between Damon, Simone, and Thea. Season 2 of All American: Homecoming should explore the Cam and Keisha relationship more as they have what it takes to go the distance.

Asher and Miya (Succeed)

Asher needs this to work. In the beginning, he came off as the snobby rich kid doing everything to maintain his place as the best receiver at Beverley Hills High. However, over the course of the show, Asher has become, possibly the most well-liked of them all. He’s gone through serious heartache in the romance department so to see him with Miya, is a great thing. They both balance each other out. Miya is not an official part of the crew but she does fit in well with them. She’s hard-working and determined which is what Asher needs. They can make it.

Simone and JR (Fail)

While they’re officially not a couple, this pairing needs to happen. Simone is going through a lot after her breakup with Jordan and then seeing Damon get together with Thea. She needs a distraction. Not saying that JR is one, but it’s time for Simone to move on. JR has not been linked with anyone but it’s clear he’s in the same boat as Simone. He’s still fighting through issues that his ex cheated on him when she really didn’t. They need each other more than they are willing to let on. But it won’t last long.


Will there be a Season 5 of All American? Yes. It will premier on October 10th at 8 PM on the CW Network.

Will there be a Season 2 of All American: Homecoming? Yes. It will premiere right after the season premiere of All American on October 10th at 9 PM on the CW network.