Apple: New Product Features We’d Love To See

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With its line of products, Apple has made our lives increasingly more convenient for day-to-day work. To be fair, smartphones in general have pushed the envelope on daily production. Apple just has the market cornered on all their devices working seamlessly together, which makes convenience more convenient. Since their products have hit a wall as of late, here are some key features we’d see available in their next wave of products

Better Access To Home App

With all the focus on the Home app and its redesign, it still doesn’t stand apart from the rest of the apps on their Apple devices. Take Apple TV for example. Why isn’t there a Home button to bring up the Home app right on the remote? The majority of the features from the home app should be at the push of a button. For the few that aren’t using Siri to be their in-home assistant, you should be able to push a button to access the app to control your house lights, Apple TV controls, HomePod sound, or any other smart device with quick access.

If convenience is their biggest push, then instant access should be available without scrolling, waiting for an app to load, navigating to what you want, and selecting it. Take a few steps out and add the button to the open real estate on the Apple Remote.

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Better Commands for Siri

Speaking of Siri, maybe it already exists but I haven’t found it yet, but the voice commands for Siri could be better. If everything is meant to fit seamlessly together then Siri should be able to have multiple steps in the command process. “Hey Siri, switch to theater mode on Apple TV” for the family movie nights which dims your smart lights and switches the HomePods to a surround sound quality. Better yet, “Hey Siri, switch to nighttime viewing” which still dims lights and activates the “reduce loud noises” setting.

Sure, there’s probably a way to set this up in their “Shortcuts” app, but for a company that pushes its ecosystem, you shouldn’t need a separate app for something that should work with their virtual assistant.

Better CarPlay Options

There’s no secret Apple wants to move into your iPhone being the only device you carry in your pocket. They’ve taken steps to make digital keys to unlock cars, integrated CarPlay for navigation and music control, and even have digital IDs on your phone. They’ve taken the steps to eliminate the need for both your keys and your wallet in your pocket. But if they want to take it one step further, they also have to add some of those features to their devices.

For instance, how many people use the lock button on their keys when they forget where they park? Your device pins where your car is and can lead you to it, if Apple wants to lean into those features, why not work with car makers to integrate an audio cue the same way pushing your lock button does?

Find My Remote!

How is it 2023 and every Apple device works with the “Find My” app except for the Apple Remote? Year after year we beg for this feature and it will probably be used far more than any other Find My device. Yet, for some reason, it still doesn’t exist. You can ping your iPhone from your Apple Watch but you can’t ping the tiniest of remotes your household has. It slips into the cushions and blends into things so seamlessly, why is there not a Find My feature? The remote has so much empty real estate, figure it out.

Okay, most of these aren’t groundbreaking or life-changing. With that being said, Apple has been pushing convenience and its ecosystem as the main selling points. With fewer features being added to their devices each year, would anyone complain if they took a chance on a few minor day-to-day fixes? Have they run out of fresh ideas? There are still plenty of ways Apple could improve their devices whether they’re huge breakthroughs or minor changes. They just need to gamble a bit more.