Apple TV+: Movie Reviews – Finch

Apple TV+ Movie Finch

If ever there was an actor to get Apple TV+’s streaming service off the ground, it’s Tom Hanks. The tech giant isn’t the lead dog in the streaming race, but a steady flow of quality content is making them major players. From tv shows like award-winning Ted Lasso to star-studded shows like The Morning Show Apple has their name in the hat. In order to keep up with the rest of the streaming platforms, they have to have quality movies. Movies like their latest Finch, starring Hanks as the lead.


On a post-apocalyptic earth, a robot, built to protect the life of his creator’s beloved dog, learns about life, love, friendship and what it means to be human.

Tom Hanks is one of the most consistent actors in Hollywood. Go ahead, name a bad T. Hanks film, I’ll wait. No, not all of them are Oscar-winning performances but to some degree every single movie of his you watch he pulls you in. Each character he plays you have some degree of connection with and the same applies here in Finch.

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If you asked for it to be compared to something you’ve seen before, Finch would be the product of I Am Legend (2007) meets Short Circut (1986). There’s not an infectious plague that wipes out humanity, it’s atmospheric disasters that doomed civilization. Living alone in a world where his only friend is his dog Goodyear, Finch (Hanks) is a tinkerer of sorts who builds elaborate robots in his spare time.

Once he’s completed his work on his new friend, Finch gives him his directives. One is more important than the rest, protect his dog at all costs.

Along the way, Finch is a movie about companionship. We learn about the mistakes he’s made along the way and what he’s done to correct them. Most important, we learn that despite what happens, we never lose a true sense of self and purpose. While a robot doesn’t need much to survive, a dog does. Finch teaches him along the way how to survive so he can take care of his lifelong friend. With the constant threat of radiation, tornados, and other threats he creates a way for a failsafe bodyguard for his pet.

While Finch might not be the next great film in your top 10, it’s a wholesome movie. You can gather the whole family around for this comedy on a family night in. Apple TV+ might not have the quantity that other streamers have, but with movies like Finch, they’re definitely pushing quality. I’m giving this one an 7/8 out of 10