Arrow: Best Fit For Oliver Is Felicity Smoak or Chloe Sullivan?

Who played the role best and which of these leading ladies has proven to be the better fit for Oliver Queen? While Arrow has taken a different route than its predecessor Smallville did with the love interest for Oliver, it still manages to leave fans wondering– was it Felicity Smoak or Chloe Sullivan? As a fan of Smallville, I did love the connection that Chloe had with her Super Friends. However, what Felicity shares with Team Arrow, has taken it a step further.

For Chloe, it was always about Clark. She started out as the best friend then wanted to be more and finally got her shot only to be the person who kept his secret while he fell in love with Lana and then her cousin Lois Lane. But Felicity, she wasn’t having it. She loved Oliver from the beginning and while she and he may have strayed for a while with other romances, we knew it would always be them.

The Smallville version of Arrow was more PG-13 while the updated version is more R-Rated. Not to take anything away from Smallville, but we never witnessed the REAL Oliver Queen. In their version, Oliver and Chloe wound up married with a son.

Now, if comparing the two, there are similarities that Arrow may have borrowed from Smallville. For one, Felicity Smoak is a hacker just as Chloe was. They both are the brains, eyes, ears, and heart of their teams and they both share the ability to keep these heroes in check when need be. Both women are strong and while neither has any powers, they will mix it up with a villain from time to time. But when it comes to Oliver, who comes out on top?

Smallville cheated a bit as they had to pair Chloe with someone. We knew that Clark would end up with Lois Lane so that only left Oliver and Chloe to be paired off. With Arrow, they could have gone so many directions but name a better couple than Oliver and Felicity? What haven’t they been through? The Smallville version offered no real insight into their lives that we were often left wondering if they had a real relationship. Arrow has been about the Oliver and Felicity connection from the moment he gave her a laptop.

There were breakups, fights, arguments, near-death experiences, and moments where it seemed there was no coming back. But through it all, we held out hope because we knew there was no Jimmy, Lex, Clark or Pete around the corner to steal Felicity away from Oliver. It was just a matter of them working out their differences and coming together as one.

If I’m Oliver, and I had to choose which of these women I want in my corner, without a doubt, it’s Felicity Smoak over Chloe Sullivan.
