Arrow: Is John Diggle’s Death In The Future?

Green Arrow

One of the show’s most popular characters, John Diggle, might be in for a rough future. One of the show’s longest standing characters other than Oliver Queen might not be there until the end. It was teased all the way back on season 1 of Legends of Tomorrow that the Green Arrow dies. The team travels to the future where John Diggle’s son is the new Green Arrow and Oliver Queen is dead. However, later in the episode they find Oliver alive and well.


While it may just be a scene teasing just how different the future could look, maybe there’s a bit more significance to it than is let on. Arrow has been dropping far too many clues that this may be our actual future. Yes, the team did go back and alter time and Team Arrow would eventually save the day, but there are all too many suspicious moments that are leading us to the death of the Green Arrow.

For instance, does anyone else find it odd that Barry Allen has changed the timeline and instead of a daughter John now has a son? A son, who in a glimpse of an “alternate” future now dons the hood of the Green Arrow. Why would he chose to follow in the footsteps of Oliver? If it were John’s son, wouldn’t you think he would pick up the Spartan mantle and carry on his father’s name?

Unless, of course, John were to eventually become the Green Arrow. Before season 6, that seemed like far-fetched idea. Then all the sudden, Oliver is tired of getting pulled in too many directions, needs to lay low for a little while, and temporarily passes on the hood to Diggle. Of course, Oliver wasn’t ready to give it up and John made some questionable decisions under the weight of leadership and Oliver would eventually take back over.

Right now, Oliver is in jail, leaving Team Arrow in need of a new leader. John stepping in is the most obvious choice. This could lead down the road with the eventual death of John Diggle. What if while Oliver is in prison, John and the team are out on assignment, his new chip improved arm fails him, and wrong place/wrong time the villain gets the best of him? What if Oliver gets out and is delivered this devastating news? What if he’s so struck with grief he goes into hiding and no one hears from him in years and they assume he’s dead.

What more perfect way to write John’s son into the Green Arrow role. Diggle dies a hero, his son bitter and distant that no one was there to save his father, and Oliver losing the closest friend he’s ever had. The team may have “fixed” the present timeline, but it doesn’t mean the future isn’t set in stone.[CMRickTwitter]