Arrow: Why the big Prometheus showdown in Kapiushon was a major letdown

As a huge fan of Arrow, I was confused and disgusted at the BIG reveal of Oliver’s secret in Kapiushon. For the entire episode that Chase had Oliver chained up and tortured, I figured there was some huge secret that we didn’t know about the Arrow for the past 5 seasons. As Chase kept antagonizing Oliver about revealing his inner demons I was lead to believe that it was something so tragic that could send the show into anther great storyline.


I was so wrong.

The secret was that Oliver is a killer and that he actually likes to do it. How was that shocking? For any fan that remembers the first season when he came back to Star City, we know that Oliver took no prisoners. There was no shooting in the legs or knocking bad guys out, he was on the hunt for blood. But, we knew this already.

When he finally let Dingle and Felicity into his inner-workings was when he calmed down and started to injure instead of kill. Oliver had tamed that beast inside of him. Prometheus didn’t want revenge for his father’s death, he wanted Oliver to admit they’re alike. Well, duh. Oliver was the original vigilante before anyone else came into the picture.

The monologue surrounding the people in Oliver’s life that always end up hurt has been discussed at length in almost every other episode when the Arrow starts to go on his self-pity guilt trip and his friends have to talk him off the ledge. And what was the point of bringing Evelyn back, like anyone cared about her in the first place after she set Oliver up? If Prometheus was to have actually snapped her neck, then oh well.

All season we wanted the reveal of Prometheus and when we got it, it was sort of shocking and after Chase killed his wife and took Oliver hostage we knew there would be a big battle. However, it never happened. Chase and Oliver screamed at each other, Oliver took a few punches and he was let go. Down the line, there will be a big face-off but for this one episode I expected more and was let down.

Oliver admitting that he likes to kill may have been forgotten to many, himself included but this may have been Chase’s way of telling him their next fight will be to the death. There will be no handcuffs, two men walk in, one man walks out. Prometheus figured that Oliver needed that reminder.

Too bad we didn’t.