Avengers: End Game Trailer (Avengers 4)

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They did it! They finally released the Avengers 4 trailer and title! But you don’t want to read my ramblings. You came here for the trailer, so here it is:

Alright, now I can ramble.


First and foremost, they’ve finally confirmed the title Avengers: End Game shooting down the “confirmed” name Avengers: Annihilation. To be fair, Annihilation wouldn’t have made much sense going forward as the “annihilation” had already occurred. End Game is, of course, referring back to the quote by Doctor Strange in Avengers: Infinity War stating “We’re in the End Game now”. The best part of End Game is yet again building one more layer to our already complex characters. Sure, it might not seem significant, but it’s a subtle nod to Strange being able to see into the future and is one of the many ways Marvel ties in even the smallest of details. Fans have speculated that Avengers: End Game would always be the name since seeing that scene alone.

Secondly, if you expected more out of the trailer, you set the bar a little too high. After Infinity War, there wasn’t going to be much footage leading up to this film. Anything above and beyond what they showed in this initial trailer could potentially spoil the story of the fourth film. Obviously we expect in some way they’ll go back and try to save everyone they’ve lost. We expect that Captain Marvel will be a big part of the fight against Thanos. Which to me, once Thanos has succeeded, there’s really no point in fighting him other than revenge.

Then of course, there’s the obvious. With 10 years of story behind them and the studio looking to pass the torch, who lives and who dies? Oddly enough, that has been the question for the past few films. Fans thought Cap would die at the end of Captain America: Civil War if the studio was going to stay true to the comic it was based on. Even more though both Tony and Steve would bit the bullet, so to speak, in Infinity War. However, with a title like Avengers: End Game there’s almost certain to be a sacrifice or two. There’s no way to pass the torch to the next round of heroes if the others are still around. Who lives and who dies? I guess we have to wait until May. Unless the trailer is spoiling their early release stating April?