Big Brother 20: Who was evicted during the second vote?

Every Thursday night one contestant from Big Brother Season 20 is evicted from the house. In this week’s vote, Swaggy C and Winston were on the block as Tyler used the power of veto to save Scottie. Kaitlyn then backdoored Swaggy C and sent shockwaves through the house.

In the first voting, Steve was sent home by a 7-6 margin after Kaitlyn switched sides and him out instead against Sam. This caused many to wonder who flipped from their planned alliance. This time around the vote was not as close. The results of who voted to evict which contestant is listed below.

Bailey – Voted out Winston

Brett – Voted out Swaggy C

Kaycee – Voted out Swaggy C

Tyler – Voted out Swaggy C

Rockstar – Voted out Winston

Haleigh – Voted out Winston

Faysal – Voted out Winston

Scottie – Voted out Swaggy C

JC – Voted out Swaggy C

Angela – Voted out Swaggy C

Rachel – Voted out Swaggy C

Sam – Voted out Swaggy C

As you can see above, it was a 4-3 vote in favor of eliminating Winston. However, five straight houseguests decided that Swaggy C’s time in the house had to come to an end.

Interestingly, Swaggy C tried to show off his non-Swaggy side and talk about his personal side. This included talking about how his father passed away and how he came up with the Swaggy C persona. These conversations were totally different from the normally confident and borderline cocky style Swaggy had in the house.

It’s no shock Bailey voted against Winston. Yet some votes were somewhat interesting like Scottie and JC who both decided to vote him out. With the head of household competition taking place moments after the vote, it will be interesting to see who wins the power. Kaitlyn’s reign with the power is over and she crossed some people in the last round of competition. She could have a big target on her back depending on who wins the next head of household.

With Tyler and Sam each still holding special powers from the BB app store, it’s worth remembering as the Big Brother season continues later this week. For now, Swaggy is out of the house during the second vote. The super fan’s confidence and his thoughts that he was running the house turned out not to be true.

Swaggy commented post-vote that he thought Haleigh voted him out. However, Julie Chen pointed out that she voted out Winston. Likewise, Swaggy should have played the game to how he pointed advice on how to play the game during his casting tape. He mentioned not being the top leader or the biggest personality in the house. However, he did the complete opposite of his advice and it ended up costing him.