Big Mouth: Andrew Has A Lot Of Making Up To Do To Get Missy Back

Netflix's Big Mouth

Missy wants nothing to do with Andrew. The Big Mouth Valentine’s Day episode made this very clear. After many attempts at wooing her, he just hit rock bottom. How does he win her back?

For middle schooler’s the kids of Big Mouth have some real problems. Andrew’s situation is quite funny. He’s done just about everything to get Missy but has come up short. The gifts, card, and Kangol hat didn’t work. Andrew tried to play it cool, be Mr. Suave, that got him kicked out of the Valentine’s party.

Andrew doesn’t deserve Missy after the way he acted. He embarrassed himself after trying to get Lars to walk (he’s in a wheelchair). Andrew believed Lars was faking it, using that as a way to woo Missy. He was wrong and only made the situation more uncomfortable.

There’s not much Andrew can do to win Missy back. The only thing he can do is be himself. Blame Maurice, Andrew’s Hormone Monster, for that. He obviously doesn’t know Andrew, because, had he been himself the whole time, Andrew might have Missy.

Andrew can start by apologizing to Lars. Then, he can talk Missy about his feelings. She probably won’t take him back after that, although, it’s a positive step for him. If he doesn’t do this, there’s never a chance for Missy and Andrew. Sadly, that ship seems to have sailed.

All Andrew thinks about is getting with Missy. He has likely blown his shot at getting her back. Who knows? Perhaps Missy sees how hard he’s been trying and gives him another chance. However, that’s highly unlikely. The Lars incident didn’t help Andrew out at all. Missy might see him as a violent person. That’s a worst case scenario for Andrew.

We’ll see on Season 3 of Big Mouth if the situation with Andrew and Missy changes. It’s likely not going to be any different than it is now. That’s not going to stop Andrew, though. He’ll keep trying until Missy gives in, although, that’s probably not going to get him anywhere.

Image Source: Netflix