Black Widow: Too Little, Too Late? – Cavemen Radio Show

Avengers Black Widow

When Marvel announced a Black Widow movie all I could think is “finally”. One of the original Avengers starring in all three movies, Black Widow is the lone female character from the first movie. Now along the way Marvel has brought in female leads like Scarlett Witch, Gomora, Shuri, Okoye and now Captain Marvel. WIth phase three wrapping up soon and the focus shifting to newer characters, should the focus be other female leads? Is it too late for the MCU to make up time with a Black Widow movie?


The superhero genre finally flipped upside down with the success of Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman with Gal Gadot as the lead. For the first time since superhero movies became a big thing again, female leads were just as popular as their male counterparts. There was even a brief window where Marvel could’ve snuck a widow film into their plans and not felt too late. Now it seems as if they’re just trying to capitalize on female heroes with a lead who’s story has mostly been told. Black Widow’s role would’ve been better suited for a movie at the latest before The Avengers: Age of Ultron.

After the snap felt around the world, the Avengers story is coming to an end. I understand Marvel trying to strike while the iron is hot for female heroines, but the trendsetting, forward-thinking, studio seems like they’re taking a step back revisiting an already established character. One could argue that the fans were begging for this movie to be made but that’s not the case. Fans were just as outraged to not see Hawkeye in Avengers: Infinity War. With Jeremy Renner just as popular as Clint Barton. Is Marvel going to cave and give him his due as well?

Let’s face it, Marvel is already doing to back in time approach with Captain Marvel. To move forward with a Black Widow movie seems like they’re going to the well too often. By the time this movie is made, it will be well past Avengers 4 which is said to transition from our core group. Marvel understandably wants to stay ahead of the DCEU who are already starting on Wonder Woman 2 and a Birds of Prey female lead film. However, the smart play would be to develop their future franchises. For instance, who’s to say Shuri couldn’t take over as Black Panther in a sequel and T’Challa guide her on her quest either to rule or bring him back? Why can’t we get deeper into the power of the Scarlet Witch and why she’s so strong? For the first time since the MCU began, Marvel seems like they’re taking a step backward with Black Widow.[CMRickTwitter]