Business: Britain Prime Minster Boris Johnson asks for delay on Brexit

Brexit NBC News

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For some time now, the talk in England has been about Brexit. The best to my knowledge, this is way that England can get out of the European Union. It has been talked about for some time. However, the problem that has faced the British parliamentary was the vote. During the previous regime, they were never able to get a vote to go through. There have been some attempts under current Prime Minister Boris Johnson. However it has come with the same result.

They were set to try and vote again. However, Boris Johnson sent a memo to get the vote for Brexit to be delayed. In his letter, he knew that it would look bad for him and the British nation. There was a law passed last month that set a late-night deadline for the government to send a letter asking the EU for a three month delay. In the 11th hour, they got the letter and everything was approved. Boris Johnson isn’t truly proud of this move because they want to get this done and put behind them at this point. It seems that there’s been nothing else talked about in Britain other than the Brexit.

Prior to this news, Boris Johnson was also told by lawmakers that not only would it look bad for him, but it would also look bad for democracy as a whole. It’s not a good thing when other nations are starting to get annoyed. French President Emmanuel Macron seems to agree about how bad this looks. Macron went on record by saying that he has spoken with the office of Boris Johnson and would like a reasoning for this move.

As Brexit seems to linger on, it won’t do anything but make the British government look weak. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.