Can Drew Brees Re-Earn the Respect of His Teammates and Fans

Saints Drew Brees

Before we start the cancellation of Drew Brees, we need to understand one thing first. When it comes to the NFL and the NFL lifestyle, he’s been a constant professional. He’s kept his nose clean. He’s played his backside off. Setting record after record, he’s given a lot to the game of football and even won a championship in 2009. One day, his historic career will get him into the Hall of Fame.

But that doesn’t excuse his interview.

When it comes to his position on the National Anthem, it’s not an uncommon stance. With Brees, there’s a big difference in what he said vs the hate speech being thrown around. I don’t think Drew Brees spoke from a place of hate nor do I think he spoke from a place of malice. The biggest problem with his stance is it comes from a position of little to no understanding.

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While Drew Brees shouldn’t be let off the hook for what he said, he’s going to have to come a long way with teammates and fans to overcome his thoughtless response. I get where he’s coming from, and admittedly so, I took the same stance when it came to kneeling during the anthem. That initial jump to conclusions will always have us acting on what we see vs what is meant.

Sitting back on social media and hearing one side of the argument, and how that side seemed to be based on hate, I knew I didn’t want to be that guy. It took a little time but once I sat back and listened to the opposite side of the argument, what was being protested against, and why it mattered I understood and sympathized. I was wrong, and now I knew why.

Drew Brees isn’t wrong for having an opinion, everyone is entitled to one. He had a stage to voice that opinion and if there was a little bit of compassion in a trying time he wouldn’t have faced such backlash.

One word could have opened the door for common ground and open discussion. A simple “but” at the end of his opinion would’ve gone a long way. If his speech went a little different then there might not have been the storm in New Orleans.

Imagine an interview:

“I believe no one should disrespect the flag or national anthem, but I understand their pain. While I might not agree with it, I understand where they’re coming from. Hopefully, as teammates and leaders in our community, we can sit and engage in talks that bring change and a better understanding for everyone involved. Right now, it’s not about the difference of opinion but about real change. As a leader on this team, I support my teammates and their fight. We need to do better to treat each other as equals.” 

Unfortunately for Drew Brees, he stopped at his opinion and left it at that. It’s inexcusable and he’ll have a long road to rebuild relationships with teammates and fans. A simple act of support and understanding in these trying times and he wouldn’t have wiped away the years of respect he’s earned. As a leader, all he’d have to do is sit down with teammates who are feeling this pain and said “Help me understand so I can be part of the solution instead of the problem.” he’d still have teammates in his corner. 

Not being the guy with empty words and promises, if he took his difference of opinion and tried to understand we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Drew Brees had an opportunity to show that its bigger than just his opinion and he missed it. While most of us don’t know him personally, he’s never come off as the hateful, less than professional, deserving of cancel culture. 

Going forward, we must not condemn a man for not understanding, but it’s up to Brees to educate himself, understand, and earn forgiveness.