Captain America: Bucky Barnes Should Get His Own Series/Send-Off

Bucky Barnes

With Disney+ using their streaming platform to wrap up stories on a smaller scale than their blockbuster counterparts, they cannonballed into the Star Wars and Marvel deep end. With one limited series after another, we’re getting more backstories than to fill the gaps between the movies and stories. Shows like Loki, WandaVision, and Falcon and the Winter Soldier they’re providing closure for our favorite characters. However, one of the biggest question marks is where the story ends for Bucky Barnes. Should we get a Falcon and the Winter Soldier spin-off similar to Agatha from WandaVision?

Steve Rodgers is long gone and Bucky is the lone part of his story still hanging around. He was Steve’s best friend and has gone through a whirlwind of his own. His journey has been a rollercoaster throughout his story, but there’s always been a connection to Steve Rodgers as Captain America. Now that Rodgers’ story has come to an end, how do they give Bucky his closer? Despite the closure that wrapped up some of his atonement as the Winter Soldier, he’s still sticking around the MCU.

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So what comes next for Bucky? He’s still loyal to the shield and protecting the legacy of Steve Rodgers and Captain America. Only now Sam took up the shield and thus is now the leader. How does his story tie into the new Captain America role? There’s another Captain America movie on the way, but can they wrap up his story there, or should Disney+ steer into another limited series and give the Winter Soldier/Bucky the closure he deserves?

If they’re smart, they’d give Bucky a series of his own. If they try and squeeze his closure into a Cap film then it won’t do one or the other justice. With a new Captain America taking up the mantle they’ll have to spend more time developing that plot point to be featured in blockbuster movie form. In doing so it will either rush the Bucky story and not give it the time it deserves, or focus too much on it and not enough on Sam’s Captain America.

What better way to come full circle than to give Bucky’s story the cap that it deserves in his own series? Get Chris Evans to briefly reprise his role as Steve in a cameo form for the big send-off. His story has been around since the beginning of the MCU run with Captain America: The First Avenger and keeping him around as a background character or sidekick with no advancement isn’t fair to his character. After he’s righted all his wrongs, Disney and the MCU need to give Bucky the hero’s send-off he deserves.