Chicago Fire: Sylvie Brett Dumped Matt For The Wrong Reasons

Sylvie Brett

Over the years, Chicago Fire has provided us with enough romance drama to last a lifetime. From long-standing bonds to stalkers to just waiting for the right moment, failed marriages, and broken hearts, it’s all been done. We’ve had mended fences and even the hero syndrome. But this Matt Casey and Sylvie Brett long-distance thing, well, this is something new.

We know the backstory between the two lovers. But when we break it down and get to the facts of why Brett finally decided to put an end to this bond, it actually makes no sense considering everything she and Matt have gone through.

The facts are, Jesse Spencer left the show right when he and Brett were getting heavy. That alone was a cause for concern but with such great writers at their disposal, their relationship ending didn’t seem logical. It’s simple to keep that long-distance relationship going on script. However, the writers decided to turn Brett into a lovesick puppy instead of the strong independent woman she was throughout the 8 full seasons she’s been on Chicago Fire.

Her reason for making that dreaded call to Matt and ending it with “our stars weren’t aligned” was simply not her. I can understand the frustration of watching people around you fall in and out of love but to base your happiness solely on the happiness or lack thereof of others is not a good trait.

Brett has never been that way so why give her that trait now so late in the show? She’s been waiting for Matt and Matt has been waiting for her. Now that we finally get them together, we’re thrown for a loop as Brett stepped outside of herself and became someone else.

How Big Of A Mistake Did Sylvie Brett make?

Matt is willing to put in the work but Sylvie is running, yet again. She has been engaged twice and each time, she has bolted. In her eyes, she wanted more. But when Kyle came back into town and let Sylvie know that he was engaged, all of a sudden she noticed the gap between her and Matt. She’s looking at others for her happiness instead of looking at the one person who does make her happy.

Was Matt wrong for leaving? Possibly, but he also asked her to come along. She said no. Could Matt have stayed? Yes. Did that mean the end of everything? No.

Now, as Sylvie Brett will likely sulk for a few episodes, it’s interesting to see how the writers will develop her new character. Although she broke things off, she did say to Matt that maybe down the line. That does offer encouragement for Brettsy fans across the globe.

Maybe, just maybe, she’s down on everything and needs a moment to clear her head. But at that time, she has to be careful. There is still a person out there with their eyes set on Matt. Never and I mean never count out the diabolical Gabby Dawson. If she returns to Matt’s life, Sylvie has no one to blame but herself for leaving the window cracked.