Chicago PD: Did Jay Make The Best Decisions Regarding Hailey and Voight?

Chicago PD

Here we go again? It seems every season, someone on Chicago PD has to make a tough call concerning their professional and personal life. For Jay Halstead, he did that all in one episode. With Agent North closing in on him, Hailey Upton, and Hank Voight, Jay made a gut call to go all-in with whatever Voight had planned to clear their names.

While it all seemed to work out in the end, are we really to believe that North is just going to let this go, especially after the team threatened North’s brother? No, this is not how things are done in Chicago. There will be repercussions for his actions, just remains to be seen how bad they will be.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

At the end of the episode, Jay and Hailey decided to elope. Now, dating within the team was frowned upon early on in Chicago PD but it seems to be a bit of the norm now. However, no one has gotten married yet. Kim Burgess and Adam Ruzek were close but what Hailey and Jay did, may cause more issues than team bonding.

The main concern will be Voight. He was never behind the relationship, he just tolerated it. Having Jay on his back was one thing but now, he will have to deal with a double dose of officers who have been known to butt heads with their commanding officer.

While there is indeed a strong connection between Jay and Hailey, was it enough to warrant a marriage? Both have moved fast before in prior relationships and this one is super rushed and was done more out of necessity than true love. Hailey is still broken and dealing with personal issues that she has yet to explain to Jay.

Related: Chicago PD: Where Is The Growth Of Kevin Atwater?

On the Voight side of things, can Halstead actually trust Voight? Remember, in the early stages of Chicago PD, it was Antonio Dawson who normally went toe-to-toe with Voight. Well, that mantle has been picked up by Halstead.

By not turning Voight in, Halstead just placed a super-sized target on his back. But even worse, he told Voight that they’re pretty much partners in crime now. Halstead is not that kind of cop and this new “truth” partnership they’ve formed may cost Halstead more than his morales.

Jay loves his team and Hailey. And while he was thinking of protecting both parties, he may have destroyed the very thing he was trying to protect.