Chicago PD: Which Side Are We Taking, Ruzek Or Burgess?

Chicago PD

From the moment Makayla made her appearance on Chicago PD and walked into the lives of Adam Ruzek and Kim Burgess, we knew there would be big changes in store for the two characters. For starters, both cops were pretty much loners still trying to find their own way. On the romantic side of the coin, both Ruzek and Burgess were riding a wave of emotions. But in one episode, everything changed and spilt fans down the middle.

With the Intelligence Unit on the hunt for Makayala’s kidnappers, that placed extra pressure on the pair. The saying goes “pressure burst pipes” and for both of these cops, they have been known to blow a gasket or two. With every lead resulting in dead ends, it was Ruzek who lost his cool. Burgess was in a state of shock while Ruzek was more hostile than we’ve probably ever seen him.

At one point, Burgess made it clear that Makayla was “her” daughter. Granted, emotions were running high and Ruzek was a bit reckless but he had every right to be. When Burgess made that statement, Ruzek was a bit caught off-guard and so was Hank Voight who was right in the middle.

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Was Kim Burgess right in her statement that Makayla is her kid? Does Adam have a right to feel disrespected here?

By law, Makayla is adopted by only Burgess. However, the truth is, Kim has not been alone in this. Adam has been present the entire step of the way. To him, Makayla is his daughter as well. And throughout the entire court ordeal, Kim often said “our daughter”.

After Makayla was rescued, the last scene was of the three of them in the bed as Kim read Makayla a bedtime story. With Makayla drifting off to sleep, Burgess grabbed Ruzek’s hand to signal solidarity in the family but Ruzek pulled back and walked off. Was he right to do so?

What ‘Gone‘ proved was there are always two sides to every story and there are different ways parents react to tragedy. Kim was calm during the storm while Adam was a ball of emotions ready to erupt. Neither was wrong with their approach. Both are first-time parents and each displayed a level of emotion that Makayla needed.

Was Kim wrong in the way she handled Adam? Was Adam wrong in showing his emotion and walking off on Kim at the end? In retrospect, no. Both of them were all over the place and this was a scary ordeal. But together, they did what had to be done to bring Makayla home. Yes, Adam took a big risk by shooting one of the kidnappers. But every scene in that episode displayed a risk.

What transpired will have lingering effects. This was not the first time that Burgess has cut Adam out. When things are going well, Adam is her father. However, when tough decisions must be made, Burgess wants that responsibility alone. It’s she that must make up her mind regarding what she sees as a family dynamic.