Chicago PD: Why Are They So Cruel To The Kids On The Show?

Chicago PD

What’s the deal with kids and Chicago PD? For some strange reason, this show has not been kind to the next generation. In the first two episodes of the show, there was a kidnapping involving Antonio Dawson’s son. While he would be returned to his family, Dawson had to go through this again with his daughter. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg for what the writers had in store for fans.

In another instance, Kevin Atwater was forced to move his brother and sister out of Chicago after his younger brother Jordan was involved in an altercation. For a cop in Chicago to be living and walking around some of the criminals they put away, this was always a possibility. Instead of having someone else be involved, the writers decided to place Kevin’s brother in harm’s way. Just another example of what they’ve done to kids on this show.

What brings me to this article is what’s currently going on with Kim Burgess, Adam Ruzek, and young Makayla. Suspense equals ratings but why does almost every kid tied to a cop in the Intelligence Unit must go through some type of hardship on Chicago PD? Makayla has been through enough already and to have her kidnapped after what she has seen may be laying it on just a little too thick.

While Antonio’s kids were returned in good health, there have been some who have not made it through their respective ordeals.

Related: Chicago PD: No Fairness For Kevin Atwater At All

One of the reasons there is even a Chicago PD is due to three characters being introduced in Chicago Fire. It began with Gabby Dawson asking her brother Antonio for help regarding Hank Voight who was harassing Matt Casey regarding his son Justin. Hank was just doing what a father does but Justin’s early entrance into the OneChicago franchise would set the stage for his character moving forward.

Justin was no angel but he was turning his life around. While he wasn’t as young as the other kids on this list, he was still the son of Voight. Justin was murdered which set off a series of events that knocked the wind out of the Unit. But it’s still fair to say, that no one kid is off limits on this show.

Justin’s death was a heartbreaker but the death of Alvin Olinsky’s daughter Lexi was just too much. What did she ever do wrong? Being caught in a fire was not a way to go but as I stated earlier, suspense brings in ratings. After her death, Olinsky was never the same.

All this is to bring us back to Makayla.

Burgess was on her way to becoming the officer to run into a hail of bullets but Makayla saved her life. Now, Burgess has something to lose. And while she and Adam have finally figured things out as far as their relationship, all that was due to Makayla. The innocence of a child is a beautiful thing to see. But what has Makayla done to warrant this type of destruction?

Her own father tried to have her kidnapped and her family murdered. She knows this. She was in the house. She went through the foster care system only to finally find a good home. And just when things were getting to a good place, here comes another tragedy.

This is a reoccurring theme on Chicago PD that must stop. If it’s not the kids tied to the Intelligence Unit, it’s the kidnapping, rape, murders, or utter violent scenes that fans have witnessed on the show involving the younger generation. Despite this piece, I still love the show. What I hate watching is how some of these kids are being written in and out of the storylines.