Chicago PD: Will Anna Avalos Become The Next Nadia Decotis?

The Intelligence unit has used CI’s from the start of Chicago PD but not everyone has made it out alive. Dealing with Hank Voight and his team has its rewards but they also come with great risks. For Anna Avalos, she has the opportunity to take down a large criminal operation but she’s also at risk of becoming a victim herself much as Nadia Decotis did while working work Erin.
Anna hasn’t had as much screen time with the Unit as Nadia did and maybe viewers haven’t had the proper time to get emotionally attached to her. But what she’s doing with Voight, has earned her the respect of viewers. It was the same with Nadia. Born into a rough life, Nadia wanted better, but in order to do so, she had to change and Erin was there to help with that. Much like Voight is doing with Anna. But is it enough?
Nadia would go on to work with the Unit in their office and was thought of as one of the team. But when duty called for her to help take down a serial killer, things took an ugly and deadly turn. Losing Nadia was a massive blow to the Unit but Erin took it the hardest.
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Voight has had his fair share of informants and while he and Anna didn’t get off to a great start, there is still some closeness between the two. Anna has been to Voight’s house. Voight has shared private details regarding his personal life and maybe because of Nadia, Voight has learned to keep the CIs at a distance. But this one with Anna is slightly different.
Nadia was out of the escort game and turning her life around and as a thanks to Erin, she agreed to help. For Anna, this began as a grab for money but turned personal as she looks to take down Javier Ecsaco and his Los Termidos organization. Anna is more focused and street smart than Nadia was. Being undercover for so long, the lines have blurred for Anna. She no longer knows what’s what and that alone is dangerous.
As her handler, it’s Voight’s job to make the tough decisions. But as we witnessed in the closing seconds of ” House of Cards”, Anna is ready to put an end to this. But does Javier know the truth? He knows that Voight is watching and it make not take long for him to put two and two together. His issues with Voight arrived at the same time as the shooting in front of the Bakery but so did Anna. If Javier has figured it out, Anna may see the same fate as Nadia.
Voight must stop this from happening for more than Anna’s sake. Despite her ties to the criminal world, Anna is a single mother looking to cash in big on this bust and provide a better life for her and her son. However, for Voight, Anna’s death may lead him down a darker path than we’ve ever seen him on. With the death of Nadia, Alvin Olinsky, his son Justin, and the departure of Erin, how much more pain can Voight endure before he begins to crack?
Anna may not have touched the hearts of Chicago PD fans the same way that Nadia did but to say that her presence has not meant something to Voight would be an understatement. He cares for her and her death would be a trigger for darker days for the leader of the Intelligence Unit.
Mark has been covering Sports and Entertainment for the past six years. His work has been featured on Bleacher Report, ESPN, Fox Sports, Teen Vogue, and many other websites.