Cleaning Tips: How to Take Back Your Free Time

Cleaning tips

Mother Nature might not be cooperating but spring is officially here, which means its time for spring cleaning. Coronavirus has plenty of people rethinking their cleaning strategy now that we’re all stuck at home and have more time to focus on our mess. Looking to fix your chaos? Here are some ideas to help.

Sure you can watch those Netflix shows to figure out how to declutter your homes, but not every mess is just a house full of disposable stuff. Some of it is a series of putting it off until it becomes, what seems like, a never-ending battle.

Take your laundry for instance. Not too many people enjoy doing the laundry. Between sorting, washing, drying, folding, and putting it away from its a chore in itself. Unfortunately, laundry will always have to be done so the problem isn’t exactly the laundry. Be honest. How many of you wait until you put on your last clean pair of socks before you throw the load in. Now think of that with your lights, darks, summer, and winter clothes. Instead of waiting until you’re down to your last clean pair or until there’s a pile in the corner to throw your laundry in.

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Instead of taking your entire day off to try and catch up multiple loads of laundry, throw them in as soon as the basket is full. Doing one load of laundry as your baskets fill. You’ll only have to spend a couple of hours of laundry rather than throwing away your entire day.

The same thing can be said about your dishes. Instead of waiting until you have a sink full, wash them after your meals. Taking the extra 5-10 minutes that day avoids the time to do an entire stack of dishes.

Now, of course, we all have the things we’re hanging on to because one day we’re going to do something with it. Stop fooling yourself, you’ll never use it again. Throw it out. We all have to keepsakes that we’ll hang on to that carry no value to anyone but ourselves. We lie to ourselves and hang onto them. Stuff like yearbooks we’ll never read, old furniture we’ll turn into something new, clothes we’ll fit into one day, but its all junk. Luckily for you, your junk is someone’s hidden treasure. Move it down the road.

So much of our lives are wasted by waiting until the last minute to clean and get rid of clutter. Why sacrifice your time and sanity? The more you do now the less you’ll have to do later.