Could Lamar Miller Be the Missing Piece For the New England Patriots?

Patriots Running Back Lamar Miller

Despite the most opt-outs in the NFL, the New England Patriots just giving up on the season. Eight players opted out of their contracts for safety during the pandemic. While it’s their choice and no one should blame them, there’s still an NFL season to play.

After the Patriots already lost Tom Brady, it finally seemed like their reign atop the AFC East was finally over. Not willing to go away quietly, they’d go on to sign Cam Newton to push Jarrett Stidham to be their quarterback, if not for this season, in the future. But it doesn’t stop there and the Pats would do what they do best, acquire parts that fit needs. As of Monday, they’d go on to sign veteran running back Lamar Miller as well.

This has been a New England staple under Bill Belichick. The Pats not only have always had the next man up mentality, but they’ve always attacked free agency without overspending, but finding pieces that keep them competitive. Even when they’ve had young guys who might not be ready to be every-down players, they somehow always find a way to give them time to develop. If you wonder why they’re always in the playoff hunt, there’s the big reason, no player is ever unprepared for their role.

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Now that the Patriots have Lamar Miller in-house on a one year deal, they don’t have to put all their weight on James White. However, the move might not be to ease the strain on White at all, but instead to push Sony Michel to his true potential. Miller himself has never been a league leader, only hitting 1,000 yards twice in his career, but he’s the guy who can make plays happen. He’s the type of guy who defenses might sleep on and then all the sudden have a burst that puts the offense in position to score. 

Adding another running back into the mix could spell out their offensive strategy this season. However, with Cam Newton under center, they can open up their playbook as well. Cam could take off running one way and draw defenders out. Turn on a dime for a quick dump off to the opposite side of the field and have the whole defense fooled. 

While that may sound like a generic offense that fools nobody, take a look at the New England offense over the years. Tom Brady has built a career out of chain moving plays that get the job done. Nothing too fancy, just quick slants, screens and outs that break down defenses. Fast forward to this season and the Patriots have picked up pieces to keep moving just as well. If their offense gets into a rhythm, they could surprise a few teams that sleep on them.