Despite A Strong Performance By Dave Bautista, My Spy Is A Mixed Bag

My Spy

My Spy has been delayed more times than one can count. Whether it be due to a crowded market or COVID, there was a point that many thought this film wouldn’t see the light of day. Amazon decided to take a chance on the troubled film, giving audiences a chance to watch in the comfort of their very own homes. The end result is a mixed bag, as critics and audiences seem a bit torn.

Dave Bautista isn’t one of the Hollywood elite. He’s been in movies such as Guardians of the Galaxy and Stuber but hasn’t reached the level of fame as other wrestlers turned actors, Dwayne Johnson or John Cena. Maybe that’s because Bautista didn’t have the mass appeal the aforementioned names did in the WWE.

However, in My Spy, the former World Heavyweight Champion excels. In fact, this might be his best role since Guardians of the Galaxy.

Playing J.J., a tough and rugged CIA Agent, Bautista was the best part about My Spy. At the beginning of this film, he’s all about his job. It isn’t until a meeting with Chloe (Chloe Coleman) a young girl who just lost her father, and her mother (Parisa Fitz-Henley), that he changes his stance. A once tough man of the law, Bautista’s character becomes soft, caring highly for Chloe and her mother. You’ll see a change in his character. One that shows depth and heart.

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Of course, Bautista alone can’t make the film. And while he excelled in his role, there were a few elements of My Spy that didn’t hit the mark.

First, the film didn’t feature near enough action. Aside from two scenes at the beginning and end of the film, much was left to be desired. It felt like this movie was less about the big explosions and high-intensity scenes, and more about the relationship between J.J. and Chloe. Not bad if you’re looking for that kind of film, however, many, like myself, expected this to be a much more in-your-face Hollywood blockbuster.

Another issue with My Spy, the film sort of drags at points. This goes along with the limited action, but there are points in this movie that are a chore to watch. While it’s not much, a few scenes act as filler for the movie. Again, not a huge issue, although just be aware.

Lastly, My Spy suffers from a predictable script. You know what’s going to happen within the first 20 minutes. While that’s just Hollywood in a nutshell, more movies need to take the risk of giving unpredictable endings. It’s hard to really fault My Spy for this, as this isn’t supposed to be a film to really think about as you leave the theater.

Overall, My Spy has charm. If anything, this movie does give us a great story of a young girl who is looking for someone to take the mantle of the father figure. It does succeed in that aspect. If you’re looking for an action blockbuster, look elsewhere. But, if you’re a Dave Bautista fan, and liked his previous films (Stuber, GOTG), you’ll enjoy this brand of comedy.

In the end, My Spy was better than I thought it would be. Between all of the delays and setbacks, many were worried this film would be a disaster. In no way is this a perfect film, but for an Amazon original, it’s highly recommended.

Image Source: Film Feeder UK