Dexter: New Blood Ending Could Be Better, Could Be Worse

Dexter: New Blood title card

The second final season of Dexter was better than the first. With Dexter: New Blood the hit series returned viewers back to an old friend we never really got closure with. Showtime brought the series back on a limited run but hopefully, it was strong enough to get a season 2. Since it was Showtime’s highest-rated series ever, there’s a good chance we haven’t seen the last of this show. Despite a solid ending, there was a chance to do better.

Set 10 years after Dexter Morgan went missing in the eye of Hurricane Laura, he is now living under an assumed name in Upstate New York, Iron Lake, far from his original home in Miami.

Per the usual attempt, if you haven’t seen the ending yet, stop here and come back to avoid spoilers.

In the series finale, we got everything we expected. The final episode “Sins of the Father” led us right to what we already know. Just like his dad, Harrison inherited the dark passenger. Dexter brings him into his world full of dark desires. Dexter: New Blood definitely left enough meat on the bone to be brought back for a “second” season but still could’ve ended better.Showtime's series Dexter

First, we always knew Harrison would be the one to pull the trigger on dear ol’ dad but it was the way it happened that could’ve been better. Dexter stuck to a code, he only killed those that deserved it, and in the end, he did. Along the way, Dexter tried to pass that same code on to Harrison and that should have been the way the show came full circle.

If Dexter was to die, it should’ve been on a table of his own. His death could stay at the hands of his own son who saw the wrongs he did. Those same wrongs that got so many around him killed. Despite not being the one to actually kill them, Dexter’s actions directly affected the lives of those around him. In the end, Harrison should’ve given in to his dark passenger and made his dad face the same wrongs. The whole reason Rita was dead that led to Harrison’s trauma was his father’s fault. Especially after he took the life of his coach who was an innocent man.

While the season finale was good, there was an opportunity for the show to come full circle and make Dexter face his decisions as well. From there, if Harrison hides the body and drives away with that half-smirk on his face Dexter was known for, Dexter: New Blood could’ve passed the torch and set up a great introduction to season 2. So in the end we’re happy the show got the ending it deserved. However, it would’ve been cool to add a bit more theatrics at the end.