Disney+ error

There’s nothing that starts off without a few hiccups and Disney+ was no exception. Despite the backing of one of the largest media companies in the world, Disney+ was not able to keep up with the demand in which people flooded the day-one app. Via social media, official word was they did not expect the overwhelming demand in which fans flocked on day one.

Disney might have been kicking themselves when they decided not to allow preloading of the app. The majority of users probably spent a large chunk of their initial log in tooling around discovering just how much content was on their potential new favorite streaming app. How much time and ease would’ve been relieved if they allowed early access without actual streaming. Instead, Disney decided to be ultra secretive and hold all their cards a little too close. They have the biggest franchises in entertainment, they were already ahead of the competition.

Even still, day one might have been a mess, but Disney has the upper hand in the “Netflix-killer” debate. Even without the strength of the MCU titles available on launch, the Mandalorian was good enough to keep interest up. Then there’s the marathon of any of the Simpsons, MCU movies, Pixar movies, and Star Wars.

But that’s all the stuff we already knew, it’s the future content that will be the strength of the service right? Not necessarily, Netflix lives and dies by its original content such as Stranger Things, but in between those seasons its shows like Friends and The Office that keep continual subscriptions up. Shows that fans have seen 100’s of times have been the strength of the streaming giant for years. With Netflix set to lose those long-standing shows, Disney+ will have the upper hand.

And that’s just assuming the original content will flop. Luckily for Disney and Marvel, the MCU doesn’t have a track record of flopping, especially coming off of the success of Avengers: Endgame. Disney has too much to lose, but despite the hiccups at launch, nothing will slow the giant down.