Doom Patrol: The Weirdest Show You’re Not Watching

Doom Patrol

So I hear you’re tired of the same old cookie cutter superhero shows, yes? Then the DC Universe has something to revive your interest. Although not quite a “superhero” show, Doom Patrols strays from the ordinary, far from the ordinary. It’s easily one of the weirdest, most unique shows we’ve watched in years. From not only the strangest pairings of heroes in the world, to the most bizarre plot points, Doom Patrol is definitely for those who want something different.

The Team:

Crazy Jane – Diane Guerrero:

Those of you who watch Orange is the New Black ought to recognize Guerrero right away. Her portrayal of Crazy Jane is the perfect role for her expanding her career. With 64 personalities to portray we see how quickly Guerrero can change between characters. At the center of the show, we get a good idea just how strange Doom Control can be

Elasti-girl – April Bowlby:

The former movie star turned “freakshow”. Nothing about her is the typical elongate and stretch ala Stretch Armstrong we’re used to seeing. No the Elasti-girl in Doom Patrol is more skin falling off, bones turning to jell-o kind of girl. Rita is the perfect combo of beauty and beast searching for where she fits in amongst the team. Glossed over in many parts, we’re hoping she has more of a presence as the series goes on.

Robotman – Brendan Fraser(voice)/Jake Michaels

Rescuing Fraser from the brink of 90s obscurity, Doom Patrol brings in Fraser as Robotman. A complicated character to portray, Robotman takes full advantage of DC Universe’s R-Rating. Easily one of the better fight scenes early on in the show, Fraser is everything you’d expect from a brain trapped in a robot body.

Timothy Dalton – Chief: 

Dalton is the main protagonist who the story centers around, yet we hardly see him. Kidnapped early on, the show revolves around DP finding and rescuing their leader. Through a series of twists and turns and some therapy, we learn Chief is the center of turning these troubled characters into accepted members of society. 

Cyborg – Joivan Wade:

Cyborg is hands down the most disappointing part of Doom Patrol. Not from Wade’s portrayal, he does just fine. It’s clear all their budget for Cyborg was spent on the rest of the special effects for the show. Cyborg, who should be the center of the show as one of the most recognizable heroes in the bunch, on the show he looks like a cheap cosplay version of himself. Hopefully, the show gets a season 2 because Wade deserves better for his Cyborg.

Negative Man – Matt Bomer(voice)/Dwain Murphy

Negative Man is another character that’s tough to follow. Yes, there have been plenty of scenes explaining his origins and his human struggle. However, his character is more than just one entity. We’re not getting enough of his story to feel like the character is complete. Each episode cracks open his character a little more. We can’t wait until we have his whole story.

That about sums it up. Doom Patrol is loaded with the weird and oddities that make it stand out from your usual superhero team up. DC has done a great job casting, but if they don’t up the ante as far as production quality, this show might suffer. There’s plenty to build off of but Warner Bros/DC needs to commit. Will it make a season 2?

Cavemen Rating: