Drew McIntyre Isn’t A Superstar For WWE. But He Needs To Be.

Drew McInstyre

Image: WWE Network

WWE needs to wise up and make Drew McIntyre the Universal Champion. He’s had to fight and claw his way back to prominence in the organization. There are little who can match his intensity and determination. When all is said and done, McIntyre is the perfect choice to be the alpha dog of RAW.

Vince McMahon once labeled McIntyre the ‘Chosen One’. Of course, that push went nowhere. By the end of his tenure with WWE, McIntyre was jobbing with 3MB. Nobody could have expected him to be in the position he is now. That’s what some grooming on the indie scene will do for your career.

McIntyre fought all over the world during his time away from WWE. He had stopped in Europe, Australia, and even America’s own, Impact Wrestling. It was at this time he established himself as one of the most dominant wrestlers outside of WWE. It was a no-brainer by WWE officials to bring him back.

Since his return to WWE, McIntrye dominated NXT and won the RAW Tag Team Titles. Above all else, he’s looked as dominant as ever. The hard work paid off, McIntyre truly has looked like the ‘Chosen One.’ Something about him this time around screams Universal Champion.

At first, McIntyre couldn’t be taken seriously. His first WWE run failed in comparison to this current stay. When you see him come to the ring, there’s a fire like you’ve never seen before. That’s something which was extremely lacking before. Even as a heel, that ruthless aggression Vince McMahon desires from wrestlers wasn’t on display. Now, he’s mastered that art, showcasing an all-around persona and aggressiveness.

Can Drew McIntyre really be a draw as Universal Champion? Of course, that’s a sticky subject. WWE has hit a wall in terms of viewers. Less and less are tuning in for RAW every week.

To say McIntyre can fix that is asking too much. He’s definitely not the ‘guy’ to take on the load of the WWE and bring it back to prominence. To be honest, that guy doesn’t exist. Although, McIntyre is the best heel the WWE has. And given the right babyface to work with, he can create some amazing moments and matches.

What the WWE lacks is proper booking and some stale characters. Getting a fresh face like McIntyre might give them a shot of adrenaline, at least gaining back a portion of the lost audience. He can’t raise WWE from the dead, but he can take it to a more respectable level.

Dave Meltzer spoke to Ringside News about the possibility of McIntyre being the guy in WWE. He’s a bit more open to the idea of him leading the company in the near future.

(Via Ringside News) “But as far as being the face of the company, McIntyre is a guy I could see because he’s got good size, he’s got the good body, he’s a good-looking guy, he wrestles really well, he talks good. So that’s the kind of boxes they want punched so I think he could”

It’s hard to deny what Drew McIntyre has done over the last 2 years in WWE and NXT. The confidence is there, something which wasn’t his first stint with the company. It’s a lock he becomes a Universal Champ or World Title holder in the next year. All it takes is a bit of ruthless aggression. McIntyre has plenty of that.