Entertainment: President Donald Trumps wants to investigate SNL

Trump Alec Baldwin

Photo Credit: USA Today

When we look at the history of the President, I can’t think of one who was talked about as much as Donald Trump has been. He is constantly opening his mouth and says the dumbest things. It didn’t change after the most recent episode of Saturday Night Live. It’s worth noting that last Saturday’s episode was a re-run. SNL had Alec Baldwin on and he did his impression of the president. Personally, it is one of the better impressions. The knucklehead that lives in the White House doesn’t see what SNL has been doing as humor, he finds it mocking. Now he is doing something that really makes you want to scratch your head.

Donald Trump has now threatened SNL and other late-night shows with a federal investigation. He wants this because he feels they are doing nothing but mocking him. Like he does every day, he was on his Twitter on Sunday and had a few remarks on SNL and the other late-night shows like Kimmel and Colbert. His first remark was “one-sided media coverage.” He would follow that tweet up with this one, “It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me) over and over, without so much mention of the ‘other side’ Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows.”

That would be followed by, “Should the Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this?” His final tweet on this matter was, “There must be collusion with the Democrats and, of course, Russia!” It seems like our president is having his daily temper tantrum. He is not happy that a SATIRE show is making fun of him. I’m sorry to break the news, but SNL has made fun of every president since 1976 when Gerald Ford was in office.

I am not surprised by these actions, he has had similar ones over his time in the White House.  Someone also better tell our president that the Federal Election Committee has no pull when it comes to TV. The sole purpose of the FEC is to enforce campaign finance law in the US federal elections. It seems like Trump forgets that SNL is a SATIRE show. Doesn’t he have more important things to worry about than what a show says about him? As the President of the US, you should have bigger things to be concerned with.