Entertainment: The Greatest Showman should head to Broadway

The Greatest Showman

Photo Credit: Yahoo

I finally saw Hugh Jackman’s The Greatest Showman. If you never saw it, it is about P.T. Barnum who became the main reason to why the circus gained so much popularity in the late 19th century. P.T. Barnum was the founder of Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Personally, I thought this was a great movie for several reasons. For starters, the soundtrack was great. The songs you hear in the Greatest Showman was very catchy. The scenes showed what he went through. In addition, they were visually great. An example of this is during the song, “The Greatest Show,” you forgot you were watching a movie. Most importantly, the plot was very relatable. What I took it as that no matter what you look like or do, it shouldn’t stop you from reaching your goals.

A relatable story, great visual scenes, and catchy songs are what makes not only a great movie. But it also makes for a Broadway show. I will admit, I’ve seen several Broadway shows. Some of them include Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Oklahoma, and the list goes on. Many of the plays that I have seen show all three of these elements that I mentioned. They all have great songs, great scenes, and a relatable/enjoyable plot.  All three of these things are present in the Greatest Showman. What would also make this successful is having Hugh Jackman.

He was apart of the movie version and needs to be apart of the Broadway version. I would also like to mention that he does have some Broadway experience in him already.  However, the downfall could be if he doesn’t come on board. If this show can get to Broadway, I would like to see him be a part of it. Even if it’s only for a few months.

If it’s done right, we could have a show that could become a mainstay on Broadway.