Fighting With My Family Isn’t Just A Film For WWE Fans

Fighting With My Family

Paige was one of the women who helped usher in the women’s revolution in WWE. Her journey to the main roster is told in Fighting With My Family. Whether you are or aren’t a fan of WWE, see this film. It’s going to be one of 2019’s surprise hits.

Most WWE Studios films are hit or miss. It’s rare the studio release a film in theaters and not direct to VOD and Blu-Ray. However, when The Rock is attached to the project, that instantly gives the film a theatrical run.

In all fairness, Fighting with my Family is deserving of your money. I was a bit surprised at how good this was. I’m a big fan of Paige. Seeing her story to get to the WWE told was rather interesting. Despite knowing the ending, I was pretty much locked in the entire film.

If you follow WWE, you’ll know exactly the outcome of the end scene. Perhaps that’s why the end felt a bit anti-climactic for me. I’m not sure what it was, but I felt like it lacked a lot of emotion. I can see how non-wrestling fans would react to the end, although, I as a wrestling fan wanted a bit more.

On the subject of non-wrestling fans, my showing of Fighting with my Family was seen with a much older crowd. I did go on a Tuesday at 11:20 AM, but I was shocked to find the average age of the audience is over 60.

Again, some of the things I hated won’t apply to a non-wrestling fan. Taking that out of the equation, it’s tough to find any faults in Fighting With My Family. There’s are great sub-plots with Paige’s brother, her trying to fit In with the other WWE hopefuls, and the struggle to keep going in her training.

It was amazing how well the cast performed. Florence Pugh was nearly spot on as Paige. It was hard to see much difference in the film character and the real-life character you see in WWE. Jack Lowden is the real star, though. He was brilliant as Page’s older brother. Lowden brought so much emotion to the role.

Overall, Fighting with my Family is a must-see. It’s a film not only for wrestling fans but movie-goers as well. If you do know the story of Paige and the WWE, try and keep an open mind. This film is made for the casual audience. You won’t see any Academy Award won for this, but it’s definitely still a winner.