Frontier: Pond Won’t Take Samuel Grant’s Death Well


Image- Bell Media.

How will Pond react to the death of Samuel Grant? We found out in season 2 of Frontier that the pair were secret lovers. During Pond’s time away, Clenna and Douglas Brown killed the manipulative and egotistical maniac. This won’t bode well for them upon Pond’s return to Montreal.

We’ve seen what Pond is capable of. He’s a sadistic man and doesn’t care about the consequences of his actions. You better believe he’ll seek out the truth in regards to Grant’s killers. It’s unlikely Clenna and Douglas will admit to anything, so expect Pond to be very wary around the two.

What makes the situation more complicated, Pond and the Brown family (Malcolm and Douglas) have now entered a partnership with Micheal Smyth. They’ll both need to be on the same page in order to take on the HBC. With Grant out of the picture, does Pond now take control of the fur trade?

The idea that Pond takes over Grant’s fur trading isn’t out of the question. He’s the one making all the moves. Not only did Pond receive the pelts from Smyth and broker a deal at the conclusion of Frontier Season 2, he decided that it was in the best interest of Grant to join Smyth and Brown’s alliance.

Here’s the issue Pond faces. His newfound partner, Malcolm Brown, has a brother who just killed his lover. If he finds that out, there’s no way he continues to do business with him, supporting the Brown family. It’ll be a tough sell for Micheal Smyth to convince him to stay on board. This might lead to some tension. However, if things play out, Pond might never get to face Grant’s killers.

Now that Grant is gone, don’t be surprised if Clenna and Douglas flee Montreal. They had talked about it before Grant appeared. This could save them from Pond’s wrath, and give them a fresh start together. If that’s the case, Malcolm would be making the decisions when it comes to the fur trade. Although, Josephette might have a say in Pond’s involvement, despite her being on board with the alliance.

Don’t expect Pond to take the news of Grant’s death all to well. He’ll continue to do business with Smyth and the alliance, but, the Brown’s will have a target on their backs. Pond is one man you don’t want to upset, and surely Douglas Brown and Clenna have done just that.