Game of Thrones: Predicting the Throne – Cersei Lannister – Cavemen Radio Show

Game of Thrones

If you’re one of the rare people who think Cersei Lannister is making it to the series finale alive, don’t be upset when you’re wrong. Game of Thrones has a flair for the dramatic and one of the most hated villain’s death is all too near. Granted, the death of Cersei might not happen until the final episode, but they’ve been teasing a showdown with her and the Starks for far too long. The only question is, who will be the one to do the deed?

Jon Snow has been bringing an army Cersei’s way for quite some time. Protecting his home has always been at the forefront of his mission. Even with his focus on the White Walkers, Jon is doing everything in his power to keep the enemy back. Unfortunately for Jon, Cersei won’t be easily thwarted and is doing everything in her power to make sure his influence does not grow. His path crosses Cersei’s now that he’s aligned himself with Daenerys Targaryen who seeks to reclaim the throne in her family’s name. The only person holding her back? Cersei Lannister.


Sansa Stark has taken control of Winterfell in Snow’s absence. Sansa has been growing her kingdom while Jon is away. Her very public take down of Petyr Baelish has gained her favor in her house. As the old council grows smaller and smaller it gives way to the next generation of leaders. If Sansa can use her new-found following of friends in low places to sneak control away from Cersei there’s no stopping how quickly she can rise to power. She might not have what it takes to be queen, but Sansa has enough smarts to make it a clear path for whoever might be next in line.

Game of Thrones wouldn’t be complete if Arya Stark didn’t kill Cersei. Arya has been on a collision course with Lannisters since season 1 with the death of her father Ned Stark. Since then, she has become the most bad ass assassin on the show and the writers have been teasing this showdown each season. With each passing episode, Arya grows smarter and more dangerous to everyone who stands in her way. With very few names left on her list, there may be one more name crossed off by the show’s finale.

Of course, there’s the off-chance that Game of Thrones pull off one of the most shocking twists in the series to date. If Cersei were somehow to survive, taking complete control of Westeros and panning out over the kingdom would be a nice transition to a sequel should HBO ever want to go that route. Nothing screams sequel quite like the villain getting the best of our heroes. Imagine in the near future, HBO decides to recapitalize on the show’s success, instead of bringing back the same actresses and actors they set the show 20-30 years after the series ends. Tired of the oppression from Cersei’s rule, an older Arya leads a network of rebels to take down the queen. That’s the beauty of Game of Thrones. There’s always an open door to take the show wherever they want once the series is complete. No matter who ends up on the Iron Throne in the end, there’s always more stories to be told. Will Cersei’s be one of those stories? [CMRickTwitter]