Game of Thrones: Season 8, Episode 2 Trailer

Game of Thrones

If you’re all caught up on HBO’s Game of Thrones, then you know stuff is about to go down. Season 8 only has a six-episode order but will more than likely be their biggest season yet. HBO spared no expense while rolling out their latest hit, giving the show a 90-million dollar budget in hopes of capturing the magic one last time for their final season. Only one episode in and we’re already convinced more people will die this season than on the entirety of the show. Caught up? Good, you can enjoy the trailer for next week’s episode below if you missed it while discussing your post-show theories:

If you’re anything like us you’re going back and watching the episode again this week and already have a bunch more theories. Episode one, titled “Winterfell” had enough foreshadowing in it that you could write a book on. We’re talking to you ol‘ Georgie boy. Seriously, when is Winds of Winter coming out?!?

So many reunions in this week’s episode of Game of Thrones. Most of which centered around Arya Stark but there were two that changed the direction of the entire show. Without revealing too much for those waiting to catch up:

“What are you doing out here?”

“Waiting on an old friend.”

Jamie and Bran was one of the more shocking scenes way back in season one. Since Game of Thrones has been pushing imagery and symbols since season one, clearly the symmetry of the first and final season was going to show up at some point.

Then, of course, there was the final reuniting of Sam and Jon where Sam reveals some pivotal information about Jon’s past and changes direction of one of our favorite characters. He now knows who he is, but does it change his mind?

Check out Game of Thrones next week at 9pm on HBO.