Game of Thrones: Predicting the Throne – Jamie Lannister Cavemen Radio Show

Game of Thrones

Jamie Lannister is the one character every show has, that you can’t help but love. Even though you hated him in the beginning, somehow he slowly won you over. Admit it, you went from “I hope Arya kills that motherf@#ker” quickly to “Jamie better not f@#king drown”. Much like Sawyer on LOST, he’d go from the character that just pissed you off along the way, to the character you couldn’t help but feel bad for, to the one you secretly root for his success. Game of Thrones has that sort of development for viewers with almost all their characters. You started off admiring some and hating others, except Ned. You loved him until the very short end.


Season 7 of Game of Thrones has left Jamie in limbo. Loyal to the end, Jamie stuck by his sister Cersei until he just couldn’t take it anymore. With death knocking on their doors in the form of an undead army of White Walkers, a battle-worn Jamie pleads to do all they can to save their people, and self-serving themselves. After Cersei threatens his life, feeling betrayed by her brother, his loyalty no longer is tested. Instead of blindly following Cersei and her corruption, his allegiance is now with Tyrion, Jon, and Daenerys.

While some might be secretly hoping Jamie reunites with his brother and when the dust settles reclaims the Iron Throne, and let’s face it they might not be too far off. Remember, Jamie Lannister is a war hero, a seasoned vet on the battlefield, and no longer has ties to any house. While Cersei may be with child, but her alliance with Euron Greyjoy all but severs their ties. However, that’s where things get tricky. We’ve all known Jamie to occasionally be two steps ahead. Season 8 he’s headed down a collision course with Euron. Jamie could swoop in just in time to save Danny and Jon’s battle against the White Walkers. With new allies not far behind, Jamie could pull the dagger from his back and circle back to King’s Landing.

There’s a good chance everything comes full circle in Game of Thrones. Jon and Daenerys’ brief fling could reveal Jamie’s path to the throne as long as it may be. Much like his mother, Lyanna Stark, if Danny were to bear his child who’s to say the hell of war doesn’t lead her to a similar fate giving birth, unbeknownst to Jon. One hand could soon wash the other as Jamie helped fight off the army of the dead, Jon could soon turn his attention to helping Jamie march against his sister. He’s cheated death all too often to stay alive this long and Jon Snow is nowhere near as ruthless as Jamie or Euron. There’s little chance that Jon makes it out alive and his death could come at the hands of Euron Greyjoy. As Greyjoy’s often do, standing there gloating Jamie could cease the opportunity and kill Euron in retaliation.

With no one left in their path, Tyrion and Jamie would march right up to Cersei and demand her surrender. In true Game of Thrones fashion there’s always that one shocking moment. Imagine the final showdown, Cersei down on her knees her begging her brother’s forgiveness. Jamie yelling back at her to admit she lied just to hurt and torment him. A broken shell of her former self she does, just as Arya sneaks up behind her and slits her throat. How totally messed up would it be at the end of it all, the Lannisters and Starks align their houses via Jamie and Arya. Fade out to the two of them taking the thrones. Flyover to a far-off landing, Bronn finally in his castle, penning the story of the two house became one, writing a Game of Thrones.[CMRickTwitter]