Green Bay Packers: Despite Stats, Aaron Rodgers Isn’t G.O.A.T. Worthy

Aaron Rodgers of the NFL potential New York Jets QB

I will not call the person out that said this but it made me laugh. “If Aaron Rodgers can beat the Atlanta Falcons he has earned the status of G.O.A.T.”. Oh man, that is one of the funniest statements I’ve ever heard. The Green Bay Packers can blow out the Falcons by 100 points and Rodgers still won’t be considered the greatest.

Nothing against Rodgers. I think he is the best QB in the NFL at the moment but to consider him the best ever, that’s a stretch.

For one, he’s not even the best in Packers’ history. That honor still belongs to Brent Farve. Rodgers has won over some of the Cheeseheads but Favre brought that franchise out of the abyss and his legacy, despite what many fans feel he turned his back on still belongs to him. Rodgers will have to win at least two more Super Bowl’s for him to be in that discussion. I know Favre only has one but his shadow is much bigger.

MORE Packers: Is Rodgers Still King of NFC North?

Another factor to consider is this is what many had to say about Peyton Manning. Manning was breaking records throughout his career but the championships kept him out of the G.O.A.T. conversation when he didn’t have any. After the first, it was, wait until he gets another. When he got his second then he could be placed in the debate. Well, Rodgers has one. And I still believe that Manning is way ahead of Rodgers in the G.O.A.T. debate. That’s another reason why I can’t place Rodgers as the greatest.

He’s not ahead of Tom Brady yet either or Drew Brees. Rodgers is good. One of the most accurate QBs that has ever suited up, but to place him ahead of these guys that have been doing this for years is absurd. Rodgers has the gaudy numbers to make a claim but if statuses are held in terms of winning than Rodgers still has ways to go.

Let’s take a look at some numbers:


Favre (186-112)   Manning (186-79)    Brady (183-52)    Brees (131-101)   Rodgers (90-45)


Favre (71,838/508/338/62%)   Manning (71,949/539/251/65%)  Brady (61,582/456/152/64%)  Brees (66,111/465/220/67%)  Rodgers (36,837/297/72/65%)

Numbers don’t lie. Rodgers can play until he’s 41 and still not top some of these stats. He will come close but in the end, it’s about winning. MVPs are awards, yards are stats but winning, no one can take that away from you. This is the last hurdle that Rodgers has to overcome. If he can somehow squeeze in another two championships, then and only then can his name be mentioned with the best ever. Until then, he’s just a good QB.