Grey’s Anatomy: What’s the holdup with the Karev and Jo storyline?

Despite what many may think, Alex Karev thought he was defending Jo when he assaulted DeLuca. However, as season 13 began on Grey’s Anatomy we’re left wondering what has become of all of this? I say “left” because the last time we actually saw them together, they kissed and vanished. They’ve both been back on-screen since then but we have yet to see them together or even discuss what happened after the kiss.

Are they back together or not?


This season of Grey’s Anatomy has been the year of relationships. While we love the Meredith/Riggs, Owen/Amelia, Bailey/Ben and of course our favorite, Jackson/April why is there no real-time for Karev/Jo? At the end of season 12, we were left with a cliffhanger as Karev might be headed to jail for assault. However, DeLuca dropped the charges and Jo finally revealed the truth to Karev about her marriage. Then the kiss happened.

As the relationship storylines have moved forward we’ve been entitled to see the development of Arizona/Minnick, Meredith/Riggs, the demise, and rebuild of Bailey/Richard and a special episode dedicated to Jackson/April but no word on the home front of Karev and Jo?

Do they not matter anymore?

Karev was once one of the most hated characters with his horrible humor and erratic behavior but he has come around. It was great to see him finally fall for someone as he and Jo seem like the perfect match but I want more, we deserve more, hell, Karev deserves more as well. Karev wants to marry Jo and she obviously wants to marry him but first, she must deal with the fact that she’s already hitched to someone. Now, we have a newcomer in the triangle with DeLuca. He confessed to Jo’s best friend Stephanie that he’s in love with Jo (like we didn’t see that coming).

The question now is– when will we see this come to light or will we have to wait until season 14?

As the season winds down it’s time for loose ends to be tied up. The Karev and Jo story is one that must be of importance as season 12 ended and season 13 began with them.