Grey’s Anatomy: Will Richard forgive Arizona?

In a hospital filled with drama and tough choices that must be made we can now add another to that growing list. Thanks do Dr. Minnick and her new method of teaching that has caused a divide within Grey’s Anatomy. The main character taking a hit is Richard Webber. Minnick is out to prove that his tactics are a bit outdated and just when Webber and his colleagues were making strides, another issue has occurred.


In Civil War, we saw Meredith come back in what many has seen as her caving to Miranda and Minnick. Jackson is trying his best to hold down the fort, however, it will be the action of Arizona that has the potential to be the final blow.

At the end of Civil War Richard walked in on Arizona and Eliza sharing a private moment. Throughout the whole Webber vs Minnick battle, Richard figured he had at least Arizona in his corner due to their professional and personal relationship. Remember, at one point they were besties hitting the bars together as Webber became Arizona’s wing man after her split with Callie.

Richard has confided in Arizona the amount of disrespect that Minnick has shown him and even has gone as far as expressing his dislike towards her. Richard understands Bailey’s reason as she has her hands tied but to see his wife and friend betray him may be a bit too much.

However, the good part about Richard is his heart. He will be furious with Arizona and there may be some sort of falling out between the two but he will eventually forgive her. It will take a few episodes for it all to sink in as every woman besides Merideth has left his side. However, how will this affect Arizona and Eliza’s relationship?

Was this Minnick’s plan all along?

Did she notice the bond Webber and Arizona had and tried to force her way in between them? If so, what will Arizona do if she finds out? The damage is done and now Arizona must make a hard choice. Does she follow her heart and side with Webber or follow her hormones and side with Minnick?

Arizona’s weakness has always been women. She sees a hot one and the rest of the world fails to exist. But, will her desire to be loved be the reason she destroys her friendship with Richard? The next few episodes will be great.