Health: Nothing Beats A Good Routine

Controlling your health

When it comes to physical, mental, and emotional health there is no better tool than a good routine. So much of our overall health comes from consistency. Not that there won’t be hiccups along the way but unless they’re big enough to throw off your overall goal, then put them in the past and get right back to your routine.

Think about those who are said to be in their best headspace with their mental health. Those people have a routine down starting from making their bed when they get up in the morning to their last task of brushing their teeth at night. Even those who have more of a freestyle throughout the day, they still accomplish their tasks but they may be in a different order each day. A routine gives you a sense of purpose and accomplishment each day thus easing the burden of floating through the day. Not every day needs to be planned out with limited flexibility, but the structure needs to be there.

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Then take a look at those who are in tip-top shape when it comes to physical health. They go to the gym not only as part of their routine but with a routine as well. Not only do they go every day or two, but they also start on the same equipment, work the same muscle groups each day, and end their routine the same way. The most important part of any gym routine is consistency and routine. To put it in workout terms, a routine is your brain’s muscle memory. Good days, bad days, or indifferent you’re still seeing it as part of your daily accomplishments. Before you know it you’ll be making progress effortlessly.

Having a day-to-day routine won’t fix every one of your problems, but it’s a good place to start. When you can form a routine you can see your progress. You have a marker to go off. That sense of accomplishment from where you were to where you want to be will help ease the struggles of failing. When you can see a setback but have a reference for how far you come, the need to give up isn’t as extreme.