How I Met Your Father: Is the HIMYM Sequel Good?

How I Met Your Mother was in a whole new league when it came to television sitcoms. While it used a formula that wasn’t actually new, it kept the intrigue going for going 9 seasons. It still to this day holds a special place in many viewers’ hearts. Now that it’s getting its own sequel show thanks to Hulu, will the age of reboots swallow this one up or can it enjoy similar success?
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Now of course the first thing that comes to mind with any piece of entertainment tied to the original is “Is it any good?” followed closely by “Does it live up to the original?”. The answer to both is … sorta. While it’s not a reboot, it’s not really a spin-off either. So far it has none of the original cast to be called a reboot. We can’t even call it a spin-off as it doesn’t focus on one character from the original show. So far, How I Met Your Father plays as a tribute to the original show. It has similar characters and concepts while attempting to go out on it’s own
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The Good:
How I Met Your Father has a familiarity that fans looking for nostalgia should feel. There’s a very memorable set in the first episode that will bring you back. The opening theme is still the same catchy tune. There are even characters with similar personality traits. There are parts that were modernized for a new audience but that could hurt them in the long game. It needs to ramp it up a little, but it’s better than some of the other nostalgic show recreates.
The Not So Good:
There are times while you’re watching that make it seem like it’s trying to match the series step for step. It’s almost as if it is a cross between a reboot and those live recreation specials of classic sitcoms. It leaves you wondering if they’ll have all the same stories or find away to make it new again. They’ll have to pull a rabbit out of their hat if they’re expecting viewers to commit to the long haul. It already feels like there’s a bit of predictability coming our way.
The Least Appealing:
Maybe we’re just nostalgic for Bob Saget, but Kim Kattrall was the anchor on this cruise ship. It’s not that she was terrible, but it didn’t have the same feel of story telling in the limited narration. Part of the main appeal of How I Met Your Mother was feeling like we were sitting on the couch, like Ted’s kids were, and hearing the story just the same. Something about this iteration felt a bit off while listening along. It’s still early in the show with only two episodes released, but narration needs more focus.
When it all boils down to it, the success of How I Met Your Father will come down to one thing and one thing only, on-screen chemistry. Let’s face it, How I Met Your Mother had a lot of charm, cheesy jokes, and at times ridiculous storylines. However, it was the characters and their reliability that made fans fall in love with the series. If HIMYF has that same connection, it will be a hit just the same. It’s not an A+ yet, but the potential is there if they can balance the need for familiarity while setting themselves apart.
Rick ODonnell aka Caveman Rick has many years covering the Miami Dolphins, Sports, and all sorts of movies and television.