Is Disney+ Painting Themselves Into A Corner With A Nick Fury Show?

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury

While we can’t get enough of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, we can’t help but wonder if they’re making the right choice giving the character his own show. It was announced that Disney+ is going forward with a show based on the comic book hero.

Nick Fury is largely responsible for getting the original Avengers team together and then fell into the background. He even made brief appearances on Agents of Shield and then again faded to the background. His involvement in the Spider-Man series has been minimal at best but by the end of Far From Home, he was revealed again. His post-credit scene made it seem like he was working his way back to the MCU

So the real question is, what is their plan with Nick Fury?

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First, he’s not a hero with powers. Going forward, will the show lean towards the MCU and powered heroes? Will it lean heavier on the tactical proceedings of S.H.I.E.L.D.? And which characters will be involved?

With Fury having ties to the likes of Captain America and Tony Stark they could use star power to boost viewership. Agents of Shield had a die-hard fan base and could easily carry on the transition from ABC to Disney+.

Secretly we hope they lean harder towards the AoS universe. Yes, it is a shared universe but there was so much left on the table with Agents of Shield. Sure ABC pulled the plug on the Lance and Bobbi show, but we’d love to see them return to the small screen. Everyone loved Chloe Bennet as Quake on AoS and her story Agent Sousa was just getting started.

Agents of Shield didn’t close the book on any story with the main cast. But that’s the main problem. If a show revolving around Nick Fury focuses more on Shield, how do they distance themselves from the ABC show? Characters like Mack, Fitz and Simmons, and Phil Coulson were some of the more beloved characters and are still around. If it dives into that world, how will it not feel like a sequel to the show?

If it doesn’t bring some of those characters back, how will a Nick Fury show justify not having Shield’s top agents around? There’s a gray area for the show that they’ll have to get creative with their writing. Of course, we love the MCU as much as anyone, but without details, we’re skeptical of their direction.