Is Keanu Reeves Set To Become The King Of Sequels?

Keanu Reeves

Hollywood has lost some of its luster with the lack of originality. It’s either comic movies or sequels coming from Tinseltown lately. However, if those sequels are worth the price of admission, then why not provide what the fans want? One actor, in particular, has managed to rise above the rest in terms of franchise success. Keanu Reeves has put his name in stone as possibly the king of movie sequels.

Vin Diesel has a right to be mentioned with the Fast & Furious franchise as well as his role as Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy and other Marvel films. But the difference between him and Reeves is that Reeves is the lead role with no second-guessing.

It all started for Keanu Reeves with his role as Neo in The Matrix series. With three movies under that moniker, Reeves would go on to help launch that franchise into Hollywood history. The Matrix movies combined would go on to gross over $1.6B billion at the Box Office. Neo, the quiet and reserved computer nerd would have a decision to make regarding two pills. The Matrix franchise was all action and helped catapult the career of Keanu.

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His next franchise would be the sleeper hit John Wick. This appeared to be a B-rate movie that had no business gaining the worldwide success that it did. Nevertheless, Reeves is now signed on to at least do a fourth installment of the action-heavy renegade movie about a man hell-bent on revenge.

While other actors such as Sylvester Stallone, Eddie Murphy, and Samuel L. Jackson have starred in some huge franchise blockbusters, Reeves is the one at the top of the list at the moment.

If The Matrix 4 can live up to expectations and John Wick 4 can do what the others did, then Reeves would be the Franchise King. And let’s not forget his rumored role as Ghost Rider in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There are reports that reeves could be in play for a six marvel movie deal.

Movie franchises are tough. Normally, there is a flop sandwiched between the films. But for Reeves, he has managed to escape that.

Within the next 4-5 years, Keanu Reeves could have very well become the King Of Hollywood with The Matrix 4, John Wick 4, Constantine 2, and possibly Ghost Rider.

The mild-mannered actor who rose to fame with the same facial expressions in every role could end up being crowned the king of something that many bigger names have failed at.