Jack Ryan: John Krasinski was the right choice

When you think of streaming platforms, generally Hulu and Netflix are the ones that come to mind. When you think of Amazon, you think of a place that pretty much has everything. In addition, it made Jeff Bezos a multi-billionaire. You can make the argument that Amazon Prime is putting out shows that are on par with Netflix and Hulu. One of the more recent shows that Amazon Prime put out was Tom Clancy’s, Jack Ryan.

In case you didn’t know, Jack Ryan is an American political thriller. The first season of the show follows Jack Ryan as he is dealing with bank transfers from an Islamic terrorist group that raises suspension. It’s worth noting that Amazon Prime announced back in April that there would be a second season. Jack Ryan is played by John Krasinski. What makes John Krasinski an interesting choice to play the former marine turned CIA agent is that this is the first action role for the former Office star. Krasinski was on the Office from 2005-2013 when the show ended. Many of his other movies were comedy based. It was only recently that he has done more action roles.

Back in August, Krasinski was doing press for the show. He sat down with TV insider and talked about the show. He actual credits his role in 13 Hours for giving him the confidence to play the action star. Since this was the first time that the book was going to be on a TV show, they wanted it to have a different feel to it. Overall, I thought it was great. I’ve seen action-based shows on Netflix, Hulu, and regular TV. But none of them could compare to the writing of Jack Ryan.

If you sign up for Amazon, you get Prime basically for free and could watch this show. I highly recommend it as you won’t want to miss what happens.