Life: Dementia does more to the family than the person who has it


Dementia is not fun at all. People who get it, tend to see their whole life change. I bring this up for one reason, there’s someone in my family who is going through the downfall of dementia. My grandmother has it. This past weekend was the first time I saw her in close to ten years. In my two visits with her, it has been such a tough time dealing with it.

In my two visits and in the time frame she has had this disease, I see the toll it has taken on my family. It takes a major toll on the family because they don’t want to see their loved one in the shape they end up being in. I usually try to be mister tough guy and not show any emotion. Both times we saw my grandmother this weekend, I had to walk out of the room because i couldn’t handle it.

I hope she lives a long live, but it’s not a quality life. Many people live late into their 90’s and are still enjoying. In my two visits, I have seen many things change with my grandmother. She doesn’t know who I am and it’s upsetting. I know my relationship with her wasn’t a lot in the early days, but she still knew who I was. Now, she looks at me with a dazed look in her eyes. It’s similar to the look of a deer in the headlights look. She also doesn’t know how to do stuff that you never think of.

I love my grandmother, but the person there isn’t the same person. i hope that once her time comes, I want to remember her as being the one who made it tough to hold a pineapple. Also, for being the one who kicked my butt to go to school when I was in elementary school.

Dementia sucks. You should always love your parents and family because one day, they may not know who you are.