Lifestyle: How Social Media Changed Our Lives

Facebook and social media

There aren’t many people these days who don’t have some form of social media. Although more and more people are shifting themselves away from the phenomenon, there was a time when almost everyone you met added you on social media. It has changed the way we kept in contact with each other in a time when no one seems to have time for each other anymore. Unfortunately, the premise for social media is great. Too bad it has evolved into something completely toxic.

Social media has turned into a popularity contest. People have always used it as a way to try and get social media famous. Everyone and their brother with an idea in their head wants to be an influencer and get paid to make people laugh. But that’s not even the toxic part that has changed the way we live. When it comes to social media, at one point everyone we met was added to our social media page. “Hey, are you on Facebook?” or “add me on Facebook” was commonplace whenever we had the smallest bond with someone while out and about. That is exactly where we all went wrong.

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What social media has evolved into is the prime example of toxicity that one can imagine. However, it’s our own fault. By adding the most random of strangers to our pages, we’ve essentially invited total strangers into every aspect of our lives. And yes, by putting it up online you’re forfeiting your privacy, but that’s not the toxic part. By giving every single person we come across the ability to comment on the most minor of things, we’ve given them a voice where there didn’t need to be one. We’ve now programmed everyone that their voice or their opinion should be heard.

By inviting people to comment on things that don’t involve them, we’ve made strangers think their voices should be heard. We’ve forfeited conversations that should be had with our most trusted friends and now everyone can bring their two cents. That’s the problem. People are so used to being able to put their opinion in where it’s not needed, they think their opinion now matters in the lives of complete strangers.

Now that people are so used to having an opinion, we all have the inflated sense that our opinion is the only one, and it’s evolved past that. Once the news was added to social media forums, the toxicity grew from a hill to a mountain. Political and social opinions were shared at alarming rates and now everyone’s inflated ego makes them think their opinion is important to things that don’t even involve them.

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Social Media should’ve been a great way to stay in touch with friends and family members. Too bad it was ruined and turned into toxic social agendas. We need to get back to the days when it wasn’t socially acceptable to talk about certain things. Freedom of speech is great. It’s freedom of opinion that needs to be limited. Not every thought needs to be articulated, especially to strangers.