Lifestyle: Losing Weight Is Not Difficult At All

Weight Loss

Photo Credit: Harvard Health

Unless you are in perfect shape, it would not kill you to try and lose weight. ABC News recently came out with a study through the CDC that has alarming numbers. They recently did a study of more than 5,000 US Adults and found out that 42% are obese. This is higher than the 40% that was discovered in the 2015-2016 study. When they break it down, even more, they found around 4 out of 10 Americans are obese. To give you more alarming numbers, they found 1 in 10 Americans is severely obese. These are scary numbers.

Now, you’re probably asking yourself, Why is he talking about all of this? I am one of those people who are severely obese. I’m 26 years old and have been heavy for the majority of my life. There was never a time that I could remember being at the respectful weight that I should be. At the end of 2019, I was at the heaviest in my life.

More Weight Loss: Is Routine Just As Important As Dieting?

I was tipping the scale at 332. For a while, I didn’t want to hear it from people who were only trying to help me. It took me going to my primary doctor to realize something needs to be done. I remember him telling me that I needed to kick this in the ass. I am not getting younger and it is tougher to lose weight as I get older.

The doctor’s visit was on November 26th. I only remember that because it was the last time I had soda. Now as I am a few weeks away from turning 27, I am down close to 40 pounds. My whole attitude has changed for starters.

When I was at my heaviest, I was wearing 4xl to 5xl clothing. As of now, I am down to 2xl to XL. I didn’t go on some crazy diet or go to a gym yet. I simply changed what I ate and stopped drinking soda completely.

I’ve been asked by a lot of people what is my secret. Honestly, it’s nothing difficult. I have will and determination. I’m aware that it’s tough to have both of them, but you need to try. My determination is to be hovering 200 in the next couple of years and never see the 300’s on a scale. Also, I am determined to never have to shop in the 5xl area.

Take it from me who’s been heavy for a long time, you can do it. It just takes having the will and determination. Once you see the weight come off, you will be more determined.